Chapter Fifteen

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Roman's dad had certainly whipped up a feast, it was the whole works. Eggs done in three ways, sausages, hash browns, homemade baked beans. My mouth was salivating that I was so quick to fight over the last hash browns with the boys. Roman's dad couldn't help but laugh, saying I was another child at the table. I couldn't help but point my fork and butter knife in his direction, blaming him for making food taste like an orgasm in my mouth. 

"What's an Orgasm?" Jojo asked in confusion. 

Roman couldn't help but cough, it was very unfortunate at that moment he had taken a sip of orange juice which led to it coming out of his nostrils causing his face to turn red. Ray's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets. He too started coughing into his hand, I could see him pursing his lips trying to control the laughter that wanted to slip out of his lips. Then there was me, I didn't need to look into the mirror to know that my face had turned into a beef tomato. 

"I think the kettle's boiled, excuse me." Ray said with a smirk on his lips as he excused himself from the table. Just because he turned his back, it didn't mean we couldn't hear the faint snicker as he headed into the kitchen. 

"Dad did you hear me? I asked what's an orgasm?" Jojo repeated. His forehead wrinkled in confusion. 

"Yeah dad what's an orgasm?" James started to chirp in. I couldn't help but place my head in my hands, hoping that Roman would have an idea on how to deal with this situation. 

"Erm an orgasm... An orgasm...." Roman was muttering with his face white as a sheet. "An organism.... It's a person, a plant, it's erm everything." He said with a little more confidence, nodding his head trying to convince his children that they had misheard my words.

"Organism? I thought Aunty Ree said orgasm?" Jojo questioned but with a bit more determination. 

"No, no, no, there's no such thing. I don't know where you heard that word, it's non-existent. Aunty Ree' definitely said Organism." He stated.

"Yeah non-existent for most of the female population." I muttered under my breath. 

Roman's eyes widened and then he coughed again. He gave me a look as if to 'what the hell are you doing?' I couldn't help but hide the smile behind my hand as I shrugged my shoulders and picked up my fork and started chomping on my eggs. 

"But Aunty Ree' definitely said Orgasm." Jojo huffed in frustration. 

"Now who's talking Orgasm's at this time. It's far to early for the alcoholic type of beverage, it's not even nine in the morning or are we talking about my favourite kind. The kind that gives a woman complete an utter..." A loud voice echoed from behind. I didn't even have time to look at Roman to know that he was going to punch him, even though it was my blunder, he would always protect me. I couldn't help but whip my head around. 

There stood the skinny, dirty blonde haired man-child. He was wearing a plain t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts that fell above the knee. His black flip-flops matched his Ray-bans that were currently covering his eyes, which indicated that he was still hungover after gallivanting god knows where. Yet his face was fresh and clean, with a wide smile on his lips. However, before he could finish his sentence, he stopped like he hit an invisible brick wall. He quickly pushed his glasses on his head and his eyes darted across the dining room table realising that their were little ears listen to what would have been a detailed account on how a woman would achieve an orgasm. 

"Jack...." Roman's voice was filled with an unsaid warning. 

Jack simply ignored him and shrugged his shoulders, knowing that it was best to avoid the Tornado named Roman. He quickly met my gaze and continued to smile way. "Renee darling." He then swung his arms open and pushed my chair back and ran into his arms with a squeal.

"Jack! It's so good to see you, what are you doing here though?" I said as pushed myself further into the hug. 

"Didn't Roman explain that I would be joining you for your vacation? How can I miss out on Papa Ray's cooking? It's simply plain selfish for me not to come, after all I am the favourite son here." Jack scoffed. 

Before I could even reply or respond. We were quickly pushed apart from each other but two miniature Romans. Both of them stood in front of me with their arms crossed tightly against their chest. Both of them had a scowl on their face and were replicating bodyguards. I just couldn't work out what Jack had done for him to receive this type of reception. 

"Boys." Jack placed a hand on his chest, with a mocked look of hurt on his face. "Now why I am I getting this response from my favourite nephews?" 

"We are your only nephews." James snorts. 

"But that is besides the point! I feel targeted." Jack crouched down to their eye level. "What have I done to distress you so?"

"You hugged Aunty Ree!" Jojo responds. 

"Yeah you can't hug her. Who knows what you might infect her with?" James says with a shake of his head. 

"What do you mean infect her? How could I infect her when that is not the way to pass diseases, you know your father needs to check in with your school and see if they understand what sex educ-" Jack rambles. 

"JACK!" Both me and Roman exclaim. I can't help but reach over the boys and whack him over the head. Giving him a look, telling him to behave. 

Jack's eyes widen and then he gives a cheeky shrug of the shoulders that matched the small smile on his lips. 

"Anyway, I promise I won't pass any cooties onto Aunty Ree." He gives them a serious look. Both boys quickly glance at each other and then with a quick nod they throw themselves into Jacks arms giving him a big hug. "Ahh that's better. I missed you so much! Anyway if you go take my suitcase upstairs your find your presents in one of the bags."

With that both boys start sprinting out of the dinning room and out of sight. He then chucks himself into one of the vacant seats where both me and Roman are sitting. I knew he was hear to ask questions about what happened with me and Lewis, he was part of our trio. He was third to our musketeering. There was this heaviness inside my chest when my thoughts started to drift as to why I was here. That my marriage had ended and I had a cheating husband. Fortunately, my thoughts were fortunately interrupted by the ever inappropriate Jack. 

"So orgasms and breakfast? What kind of stay are you offering here Roman?" Jack muses. 

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