Chapter Eight

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Roman's View

After spending a good twenty minutes cleaning the bird shit off my window, I got back into my car and started driving. Between me and Ree, our luck was wearing thin. I swear, birds play a game to see what they can hit. I bet they are like "OI Birdseye! We hit one! Double points if you get it while it's moving!" 

Honestly, the drive was long but I knew that Ree would be safe, Ree would be protected at my dads. It was in the middle of no where and was where I spent my time hiding from my ex she-devil. Honestly people who say money can't buy happiness, clearly never paid for a divorce. Of all the lavish items I had paid for since my career as a footballer that was by far my most favourite and cherished gift. The fresh smell of those divorce papers was something I will never forget. 

That woman had made my life hell. She had managed to use my kids who I loved dearly as weapons and bargaining chips to get what she wanted. I was awarded full-custody and even though it cost me an arm and a leg, my children were worth it. Whenever they came back from visiting their mother, they became quiet and introvert. They would distance themselves from me and I hated it. It wasn't until Ree came into the picture that I realised what was happening. 

Ree had skilfully spoke with them, developed a relationship, one where they trusted her. It was then that they told them how the bitch had told them that I had divorced her because I didn't want them. I remember the rage that simmered inside me when she told me what they shared. Ree spent an hour telling my boys how much I loved them and that I would do anything for them. She encouraged them to tell me the truth of what their mother was saying and it was then that the floodgates opened. I truly saw how manipulative their mother was. 

As we drove further and further away from Ree's home, I noticed that she had fallen asleep. Although I was bored and wanted to wake her, I couldn't disturb her rest. She would have the hangover from hell when she woke or she would still be drunk. I know how low her tolerance to alcohol is. I couldn't help but let my eyes drift to her face, checking that she wasn't crying. 

Her cheeks were tear stained and her eyes held huge brown circles underneath them. I could tell that the long week of work had taken it's toll, plus the emotional strain of her dick ex was hanging in the air. I knew she didn't have good family relationships, so I knew that a week with my dad would sort her out. 

My dad has always liked Ree, from the moment they met, both got on like a house on fire. They would joke and jest at my expense. My kids would soon join in with the puns. Ree is such an important person in my children's lives, within the first few weeks they started to call her "Aunty". Ree gave them love and affection that their mother never would. Ree became a role model in their life but also a confident.

It didn't matter that they were two boys. They needed a woman in their life who they could look up to. I could confidently say that my crazy ex was not able to offer that to my boys. The most she could teach them was how to lie and manipulate someone's emotions. My mother died years ago and my ex's family were never involved with the children, they were too caught up in their own life to take time for their grandchildren. 

Liza would always pick and choose when to be involved with the kids. She would only want them when it benefited her. Usually it was when she wanted to teach me a lesson because I had refused to give her more alimony, she would try to manipulate the children into staying with her so that I could feed her extravagant lifestyle. At first it would work but they soon released they were pawns in her wicked games. Now, they barely have telephone contact. 

I remember my father warning me about the type of woman Liza was, but I was a newly signed football player with a ego the size of my stupidity. The woman who was innocent and kind, became Frankenstein's monster the moment we exchanged our vows and I placed a ring on her finger. As much as I wanted to wish that I never met Liza, I couldn't because I wouldn't have the children that I love more than life itself. 

I turned to check on Ree, who was pushed up against my car window, with her mouth hanging open as she snoozed away her drunken haze. I knew she would be hanging like a bitch when we got to my father's but I was relieved to see her find some peace. I couldn't believe that everything she had gone through in the last twelve hours. Honestly from her crying like she had watched the notebook to going all Beyoncé Lemonade on Lewis' ass, she had taken everything in her stride.

The more I looked at her sleeping state, the more I couldn't help but admire her resilience. Despite her loud snores, she looked beautiful while she slept. I don't know what was going on but the more I looked at her, the harder it was for me to pull my eyes away from her. I shook my head, knowing that if I continued to keep looking at sleeping beauty, I would definitely cause a car accident.

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