Chapter Five

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Renee's View:

I reached the bedroom that I shared with Lewis and I could see that Roman had come off the phone. My head was pounding as the buzz of the whiskey began to wear off. I knew I didn't have long to get out of the house if I wanted to avoid Lewis. Honestly, I can't believe he tried to insinuate that I cheated on him with Roman. I do not understand how Lewis could always be so jealous of Roland. I mean sure he looked like a walking advertisement for Magic Mike but he was my best friend and we had been nothing but platonic.  

I knew that my life was about to get complicated and I knew that the little bit of privacy I had was about to disappear. I was thankful that I would have Roman to have me wether this storm and I knew that he would keep my spirits up. 

"How you doing my hot mess?" Roman said as he chucked the contents of my wardrobe in the suitcase. As he passed me he ruffled my hair and shouted over his shoulder "I'll leave your lingerie draw to you!"

"Hot mess? I feel like a fucking walking disaster at the moment." I chuckled taking my underwear and chuckling it in another suitcase that was laid on the floor. "Who was on the phone?" I asked. 

"Daddy's princess." He replied. 

"How is Jacky doing? It's a late call for him isn't it?" 

 "Yeah well his Dad saw the news and they were both worried about you." Roman spoke softly. 

My heart filled with warmth as he said this. Honestly as much as the situation was shit, I was glad to have a good support network that was worried about my well-being. It showed they cared, but anxiety filled my chest as I thought about seeing their faces. I did not want to see their pity. I ran my hand through my hair feeling the tears start to build in my eyes. 

"Jack knew you wouldn't want to talk but he knew I would come to save you." He winked as he walked out the closet with my jewellery box. It amazed me at how well Roland knew me and was able to anticipate what I needed from my home. 

"My knight in Armani boxers." I fake swooned. 

"Hey! How do you know I'm wearing Armani boxers?" He chuckled as he brought a hand to his chest.

"The whole of London has seen you in your Armani boxers." I said. He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. "You have billboard's of you everywhere in them and I know full well they gave you an unlimited supply."I pointed as I shook my head in response.

"Babe, did you save it for your wank bank?" He teased. 

"Only the first edition that you gifted me." I chuckled. 

I looked around the room that I shared with my husband, there was a chilled the air as well as my heart. The sadness crept in as I recalled the many nights we spent here cuddling and making plans for the future. I was filled with so much pain as I thought about the betrayal of Lewis. We had been together for so long that I could never imagine it would come to this point, I always thought we would be together. With those thoughts the tears escaped my eyes and it felt as if nothing would stop them. 

I felt Roman wrap an arm around my shoulder and pull me in to his side. He offered me his silent comfort. He knew there were no words that would bring me comfort. For a moment, I found solace in the ripped arms of my best friend. It was an upgrade from the boney arm that I was married to. His grip tightened slightly as I wiped my tears away. 

"You ready to go?" He whispered as he kissed the top of my head. 

Memories of my love with Lewis flashed before me. I remembered meeting him for the first time at college when he carelessly flirted with me in front of his girlfriend, telling me I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. I remember telling him to get lost and to not disrespect the girl he should be treating like a queen. After that day I had never seen the two of them together again and he pursued me for six months till I finally agreed to a date. He took me on a picnic and although I was weary of his man whore ways, we bantered and laughed hard. I was completely at ease with him. We took it slow and soon we entered a relationship which led to our marriage. We supported and loved each other, he became my best friend and my lover. We fought for each other and defied the odds. Well at least I thought we had. 

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go." I sighed. 

Roman released me and grabbed the two suitcases as he made his way towards the stairs. I hovered momentarily, questioning whether I was making the right decision to end my marriage. I shook my head from the crazy thoughts, knowing that I needed to accept that Lewis was my past and I needed to move forward. 

I grabbed my jewellery box and handbag as I made my way downstairs when I heard Roman shout.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

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