Chapter Ten

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There is a saying which is "Home is where the heart is." This place is where the heart of my family is. The secret and hidden home where my family resides. Although we spend a lot of time in London because of my job, this house is where I have spent many hours, many days, living carefree. 

I took after my father, he was a footballer and he raised me to follow in his steps. I played for the same club as him and finished my career on a high. Professionally my father was seen as a legend in the country. Why wouldn't I want to follow his career? Why wouldn't I want to have a career in a sport that my father taught me to love? I still remember when my team took the cup in my last season, the tears in my dad's eyes is something I could never forget. The pride on his face and in his voice when he partook in interviews is something that warmed my heart. 

Growing up, he was always in the limelight. Even today, he is still pulled by members of the public for photos. They love him and I couldn't blame them. He was a great man, a terrific father and a loving husband. My heart sunk a little as soon as I thought of my mother. She passed away not long ago and I still remember my father's broken face. He loved her so much, he still does. He once told me she was his soul mate, he was the centre of his entire universe. I still remember how he doted on her. 

When she died, my father decided to move to his Cornwall. I wanted him to stay in London but he told me he wanted to be where his heart is, which is in this cottage. He told me that whenever we were here, he remembered my mother was most happy here. I couldn't refute his words because it was true. So many days were spent in the summer sun, not just as a child but as an adult. My mother loved to dote on her grandchildren. She too would spend so many days taking the boys to the beach. 

I was thankful that she got to meet Ree. My mother loved her deeply. I remembered overhearing a conversation between the two. She told Ree that she always wanted a daughter and that Ree was everything she imagined her daughter to be. I could imagine if she was alive, she would holding Ree in her arms while she cried her heart away. My mother was the most caring and loving woman ever. 

The cottage was surrounded my trees that covered the acres of land. Even if we called it a cottage it was huge. My father had built extra bedrooms, even a cinema for the weekend for the boys to enjoy the game, where my uncles and cousins would join. My father even built a sun room, which was my mother's favourite place to be. I would always find her there in the morning, with her tea while she read her book. 

My car had gone through the gates and down the stony drive, I could see Ree widening her eyes as the sunlight starting to trickle in the windows. A new day was dawning and I was glad that I could take her to a place where she could deal with the new changes in her life without the pressures of the media hounding down her throat. While she was sleeping I managed to take her phone and turn off her notifications on all social medias. I also sent an email from my phone to our office that she should not be disturbed and anyone who had any issues should contact me and I would handle their problems. 

Just as we pulled outside the front house, the front door swung open and there stood my father. He was in his signature blue robe and his slippers. His eyes were hidden behind his spectacles and his grey hair was combed back. He made his way down the pathway and the closer he got, I could see the frown of worry on his face. I could see that he was worried. I managed to call him in advance that I was bringing Ree down here to lay low. 

"Ready?" I asked Ree in a whisper. 

"Yeah." She yawned as she stretched her legs out in the car. She undid her seatbelt and swung the door open. 

"Renee sweetheart, come here." My father said as he held his arms open. Renee was quick to run into his arms, accepting his warm embrace. 

"Papa Ray." She whispered as she clung to him. It was this moment that I watched on from afar. I saw how childlike she looked as she clutched him tightly as she wound her arms round him. I could see my dad look at her with a sympathetic look. It was the same look he gave me when my ex-wife's nature was revealed. He was happy to welcome her, it was then that I realised how much he loved and cared for her. I forget sometimes how much she is apart of our family. For so many years she has supported us, when my mother died, the first thing Ree did was come to our house with a home cooked meal because she knew none of us would have even thought about food. This was our time to return the kindness that she had given us. 

"Oh my sweet child. Roman told me what had happened. I'm so sorry." He warmly whispered as he stroked her hair. 

"It's not your fault, you have nothing to be sorry about." She sniffled. I knew she would break down when she saw my father. He had a way of breaking through walls that were erected. I knew she was trying to be strong in the car and when she spoke to Lewis. "I should be saying sorry to you, I'm interrupting your peace and quiet with my drama." 

"Enough of that sweetheart, you are family. Family is always here for each other. My door is always open for you." My dad whispered. His eyes caught mine and gave me a smile. "Boy, what are you doing sitting in your car, get Renee's stuff out the car and put the kettle on while I pamper our girl here." He jokes as he pulls back and strokes her forearms. 

She lets out a chuckle in between her cries. "Yeah Ro, hurry up you should listen to your dad." 

"Hey! I've just drove for god knows how many hours!" I jest. 

"Stop giving me excuses boy and get moving! And be quiet, the boys are still asleep." Dad explains. 

"The boys are here?" Ree says and for the first time her eyes light up with that glint with excitement. I can't help the thump in my chest when she speaks about about the boys. It brings a smile to my face how much she loves. That's the thing about Ree, she has a huge heart. When she loves, she loves big. It's what makes me get angry and irritated at Lewis for breaking that magnificent heart. 

I look on as my dad usher's Ree in the house, as he places his arm round her shoulder and walks her into the house. I can't help but shake my head at my best friend and father forgetting me in the car. 

The ComebackOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora