Chapter Two

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Fuck, she hung up on me.

I know shit is going to hit the fan when I get to Renee's. I can't believe Lewis cheated on her. I mean she was always so secure in their relationship, she was always so trusting. I know she ain't gonna cope well with this and I know that dick is going to try and convince her that nothing happened and it was an exaggeration from the press, but I know better.

I have plenty of friends that play away from their home and I know he is one of them. I've known for some time, he showed the same signs that Liza did. Thank god she hasn't got children with that bastard, the last thing she needs is for him to manipulate her into staying like my ex-wife did.

I've been driving to Renee's for the last twenty minutes, she lives in Essex which is just outside of London. The traffic was minimal because of how late it was. Driving in London is hell. The road to Essex from London is like the world's biggest car park during the mornings. Honestly I don't know how she makes it on time to work. I didn't want to call her too early as I didn't want her to be on her own when she saw the news. I knew the paparazzi would be following her. She was an upcoming celebrity whether she wanted to admit it or not. Everyone who met Renee loved her, she was kind and compassionate and was making a name for herself in the world due to her charity work.

I remember when I first met Renee it was at some television award show, I went with some friends and it was just after my divorce with Liza. She was at at the bar in a halter neck red dress which clung to her like a second skin, There was a long slit down her dress where her tanned honey legs peeked through. Her black hair was cascading down her back and her face was fresh with minimal make up. She stood out from the crowd, she looked completely different compared to all the other women who were caked in make up. She was perched on a stall by the bar asking the bartender for the finest whiskey he had. Honestly, that was the first sign she was a keeper.

I remember strolling up to her with my friend Jack and we both tried hitting on her. We both failed miserably as she watched us make fools of ourselves, chuckling to us saying she was married to the man who was the DJ for the evening. She cemented our friendship that night when she hooked me up with some woman she met in the toilet. She had no idea that she hooked me up with Holly the number one swimsuit model in playboy magazine. I remember Jack losing his shit over the wingman potential Renee had. Honestly, Holly was such a catch and  she was the perfect rebound from Liza, as she was fun and easy going. She was just what I needed to relief stress and truthfully she was a big fuck you to my ex-wife.

Although we never exchanged numbers, I accidentally bumped into her one night coming out of a VIP lounge at a club where Lewis was doing an event. Where we both went onto have a coffee at McDonalds. That night we shared secrets and funny stories about our lives. I told her all about my divorce and she told me all about her struggles with Lewis. We fell into an easy conversation that night as she told me all about her work as a social worker and how she wanted to do something else. I told her about my charity and how I would hire her if she was interested. That was the start of my friendship with Renee.

I am so glad I snatched Renee up to work with me on my charity. We had been working endlessly for the last five years, supporting children from underprivileged backgrounds with the talent to establish a football career. We had supported Ronald who was signed by Chelsea United and was a formidable striker. He has just been selected to play for England in the next World Cup. Thanks' to his endorsement of the charity that helped him start his career we have been getting more donations.

Ronald was a huge supporter of Renee and always credited her for his success. Hence why she had become a big name in our industry and she has no idea. She is so humbled. Honestly I don't understand how Lewis could even cheat on a diamond like Renee. He was lucky, she had the curves and confidence and he chucked her away for a piece of coal.

Lewis has no idea how much of his success is due to Renee supporting him behind the scenes, she had spoken to many investors and producers who donated to the charity. They reached out to Lewis offering him opportunities. I wonder if he knew what Renee had done for him.

I flipped my mirror down in my car and checked my appearance knowing the vultures would be camping outside her gated community. My brown hair was tussled and I had stubble running across my jaw. My blue eyes were covered with dark circles.

I had just finished my interview about the football matches of the day. I was regularly asked as a guest due to my knowledge on the sport when the presenter Jeremy pulled me to the side to tell me about the news of Lewis. He had met Renee many times and loved her like a little sister. I remember groaning and throwing my tracksuit on to make my way to her.

I don't think I have driven this fast in years. Fuck if I get a ticket, Renee is paying for that shit. As I reached the gated community, I could see the vultures swarming waiting for either Lewis to reach his home or Renee to leave. She is going to hate this. As I reached the gates, Paparazzi gathered around my car. The security guard knew me and nodded behind the heads of the pests as she opened the gate and pressed the peddle and made my way to her house.

There in the distance I could see her town home. I could the house was well lit, with the windows. The house was modern and made of red brick. It was nice but it lacked the character that matched Renee's personality. As I pulled up in the driveway, I could hear the loud music blast through the house.

"You coulda had a bad bitch, non-commit all. Help you with your career, just a little. Your supposed to hold me down, but you're holding me back, And that's the sound of me not calling you back.."

Oh fuck, she's listening Lizzo. She's at Defcon one. I hope she is too annoyed at Lewis to try and murder me for waking her up. I turned my car off and made my way to her house. I lifted the flower pot with the blue hydrangeas and picked up the spare key and opened her front door.

The music filled my ears and I made my way into her hallway. I could hear Renee's voice screaming the lyrics. I silently pray for my life as I make my way into her living room. I push open the door and there stands Renee swaying with a glass of whiskey sloshing about and  a baseball bat in other hand. Screaming the lyrics to the song and swinging the baseball bat at pictures of her and Lewis. Fuck, what does she think she is doing? Why does this girl think she's in the Beyoncé lemonade video? I wonder how much whiskey she has drunk.

Jesus Christ, I knew it was gonna be bad but not this bad. She's still shouting lyrics her whiskey swishing out the glass. She stops, looks at a picture on the wall, it's one of her wedding day to Lewis. I start to slowly approach her, when she swings the baseball bat at the frame. Glass from the frame falls to the floor. There is a deathly silence as the song finishes. Suddenly, she just starts chuckling manically. Fuck, she's got a good aim. I really hope she doesn't kill me.

I continue my approach to her and wrap my arms around her. With her back to my chest, I pull her in close. She's stiff at first, not realising it's me. Bring my lips to the back of her head pecking her lighting and then quietly tell her "I'm here." Her shoulders finally drop some of the tension and she lets out a whimper. I know she hates crying. She has has always stated she is an ugly crier and if I'm honest I can't bring myself to voice my opinion that she is an uglier crier than Kim Kardashian, I truthfully feel like she will castrate me.

I don't know how long I held her, but I did. My arms were wound round her tightly. Whispering to her that I was there for her, that everything would be alright in the end. I mean truth be told, I was not going to let her go until she dropped the baseball bat. I valued my life more than Lewis did. Secondly, I was not going to let her go prison for hitting Lewis, I mean he deserved it but she would not survive prison as someone's prison bitch.

Her whimpers slowly started to quieten down when she finally released the glass and whiskey. She turned towards me and rested her head on my chest. I mean she's not a crazy bitch, she just in dire need of a diazepam (Xanax).

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