Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter dedicated to Phoebe_N_K_Heather. Thank you for reading and commenting❤︎

Kome held on to Egho as she cried.

She’d never seen Egho cry before, she never thought she ever would. Egho wasn't the crying type, she was the kind of person who rationalized her feelings, compartmentalized them and solved the problems that came with them one by one, in order of importance.

Kome loved that about her; the way she always seemed to have everything under control, the way her lips curled up when she was thinking. Egho kept so much to herself that when she actually spoke about her problems, Kome’s heart filled with love because she knew Egho wouldn't usually do that.

Now, here was the girl she loved soaking her shirt with tears and Kome didn't know what to do.

"I should have gone with him," Egho sobbed. "I should have protected him but I came here because I was stupid enough to think you were more important than my own brother."

Kome swallowed down the lump that had formed in her throat. That comment stung but she understood. Family came first. She just hoped Egho wouldn't end up resenting her forever because of this one night. She also hoped Nosa and his friend were okay. They had to be okay.

Egho and Kome stood outside her front gate, her dad standing behind them as they waited for Egho's mum to come get her. She hadn't told him that her friend was staying over and he hadn't said anything about seeing the two girls together but that was probably because Egho was distressed. Kome knew he'd give her hell for it later. That wasn't so important now.

The headlights of a car illuminated their street and a small white Lexus pulled up in front of her house. Through the window, Kome could see Egho's mother staring straight at the road ahead of her, eyes unblinking, hands holding the steering wheel in a death grip. She too didn’t say anything about seeing the two girls together. There were other more important things to deal with.

Kome squeezed Egho in one last hug. She had a feeling that something had broken in Egho, something that would keep them apart forever and she wanted to have something to hold on to. The smell of her hair, the feeling of her skin, the warmth of her body. Kome would remember these things instead of Egho's crying face, it would hurt less and more at the same time.

"I'm sorry about your brother," Kome whispered just as Egho whispered, "We can't see each other anymore."

Kome's heart clenched painfully then shattered into a million tiny pieces. She was in love, for the first time in her life, she was in love. And now it was done and she couldn't even be sad about it because that would make her an asshole.

"I understand," Kome managed to get out.

Egho seemed reluctant to let her go, lingering for as long as possible before pulling away and turning around.

Kome watched her go.

Kome let her go.


Nosa had to admit that he was having the most fun of his life. 

The music was loud, the people were even louder and no one cared if was the anxious nerd in purple nail polish standing in a corner. There was just moshing and head banging. Lots of head banging. 

Up on the stage the lead singer of Jorəʊmi, Naomi, sang, wailed, growled, screamed and cursed into the microphone while her band backed her up with wild and energetic pulsing beats. The energy of the crowd reached Nosa despite the fact that he wasn't actually in the crowd. Being in the VIP section had it's perks but he was just a little bit jealous of those who weren’t.

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