Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Dedicated to sharrystarrs. Thanks for supporting this book!

Trigger Warning; Underage drug use.


Jameelah turned, can of beer halfway to her mouth, and watched as Ada approached her. She smiled wryly. So Ada could tear herself away from MJ, huh? It had been weird at first when her friends started dancing around this thing they had between them but she tried to not always feel like the third wheel because that wasn't their intention. Also, MJ and Ada kept swearing up and down that they weren't a couple despite the fact that they acted like they were newly weds.

"I thought the superglue gumming you to MJ was permanent," Jamee teased, "who poured kerosene in the middle?"

"Shut up," Ada said but she couldn't help but smile and her cheeks were coloring up nicely.

Jamee grinned and took a sip of her beer.

"This is good. You're happy, you haven't been happy in a long time," Ada pointed out.

Jameelah shrugged. Sure, she didn't feel over the moon ecstatic but she did feel better than she usually did. Better enough to tease Ada and drink because it was a party and not because she wanted to drown her sorrows away.

"I had a talk with an interesting guy earlier," She replied Ada. "It made me rethink a lot of things."

"Like..." Ada pressed.

Jamee sighed, "I can't say that I'll stop missing Simi or that I'll forget about her and what we could have had if I weren't such an idiot. But my life is mine and I don't want to spend the rest of it moping around."

Ada smiled so widely that she was full on beaming and Jamee smiled too.

"Good for you," Ada said, giving her a warm hug.

Yeah. Good for her.


"Your mum said that there was this one time you stole someone's egg in preschool because she gave you Indomie noodles without egg that day," Irekan chuckled. "So, you've always been a delinquent?"

"It was one time," Nosa groaned in defence. “She always packed an egg as part of my lunch so I just thought his was mine.”

Tiff-tiff,” Ireakan teased.

“Shut up.”

They were in Irekan's Toyota, with Uvo in the back seat of course, heading to God knew where because Irekan decided to maintain the air of mystery by not telling Nosa a damn  thing.

Nosa doubted they were headed to the vets again, they had done that recently. Judging by the way Irekan was all dressed up, he deduced it was somewhere with a lot of people. Irekan wore a dark blue T-shirt with a hot pink jacket over it. The jacket had an almost untraceable leaf pattern on it and, coupled with his black jeans and white sneakers, Irekan looked like he should have been on the cover of a street fashion mag. Beside him, Nosa looked plain in his faded jeans and old star-wars tee. 

Nosa observed Irekan through his peripheral vision. He had planned a full day of nothing; he had planned to wake up at noon, eat a nice lunch then play games until he felt like sleeping again. But Irekan had swore that staying indoors on the first day of midterms would jinx the rest of the week. So there he was, in the passengers seat of his best friend’s car, thinking about how good said best friend looked in pink.

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