Chapter Sixteen

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Kome did not believe in love. She had to remind herself that.

Love didn't exist, it was this thing created to make Hollywood movies and Wattpad books interesting. It was as nonexistent as a sixteen year old boy being the multi-millionaire CEO of a company.

"You look adorable when you think," the girl told her with a bright smile. God, Kome loved that smile. "You get this wrinkle right here," she indicated by touching the middle of Kome's forehead.

It was such a small, insignificant touch, still, it made Kome's heart race.

'I love you', she wanted to say. "I could kiss you forever," She said instead.

She didn't believe in love. And even if it did exist, wasn't she too young for it? Wasn't that what old folks said when they found out their kids were dating? She was only seventeen. She shouldn't be feeling these things.

So why was she feeling a thousand good emotions at once when she could only name about five? Why was her heart doing these weird things where they beat fast then slow then danced a fucking jig?

The girl smiled again. Damn that smile. "I could kiss you forever too."

Kome was in trouble.


Nosa found out they were going to the vet when they were already halfway there and, to his amusement, Irekan had to whisper it.

"Don't tell Uvo," Irekan added, still whispering.

Uvo poked his head through the center console and sniffed at Nosa's shoulder. 

"Is he preparing to bite me for stealing his seat?" Nosa asked.

Irekan laughed. "Maybe," He stopped talking to rummage through the middle compartment, pulling out a pair of sun glasses which he flipped open and put on.

Nosa groaned, "God, you look like such a cliché right now."

Irekan grinned, his eyes still fixed on the road. "Wind in my hair, sunshine bouncing off my really cool shades?"


Irekan glanced at him. "You look normal. Must be the absolute lack of swag."

Nosa scoffed. "Who still says swag in this day and age though?" Uvo barked and Irekan reached a hand back to pet him. "He dey vex oh." Uvo barked again. 

"Shut up." Nosa said. 

"Don’t be mean to Baby Uvo, he’s sensitive." Irekan said. Then, "We're here. Get ready for hell."

Irekan eased the car into the tiny parking lot of a small building with a simple sign that said 'Dr. Osoname's Veterinary Practice'. Uvo, pushed his nose out the tiny gap in the window, sniffed the air and began to make a low growling sound at the back of his throat. 

"I can't believe you brought me to the vet with your dog," Nosa said, exasperated. He didn’t exactly have any other plans but that didn’t mean he wanted to dog-sit. "I could be home now reading that graphic novel you lent me."

"Which one?" Irekan asked, turning  he key in the ignition. 

"The one with space pirates."

"God, that was a good one," he returned with a dreamy sigh. "But Uvo is my son and we have to make sacrifices."

"And?" Nosa pressed.  Uvo wasn’t his son. He didn’t have to be there.

"And he's absolutely terrified of needles and will do anything to escape them," Irekan admitted. "I needed help."

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