Chapter 48 Roller Coaster

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It's dark as I walk along the sidewalk towards the high school. It's the only place I can think of going right now. I don't have anywhere else, and it's just down the road. I pull my suitcase behind me with another on my back with a backpack. I can't believe all of my things fit into three bags.

The night is quiet, and the moon finally reveals itself, lighting my path. I am strangely weightless, but I just think that's because I've finally said what I've needed to for years. All that pain and anger has been hiding in me, and now it's gone. I've said my piece, and she can do with it as she wants. I'm ever going to see her again.

I'm not going to see Collin for a while though, and that's the saddest thing. I swear to myself, though, that when I get a stable job and somewhere to live, I'll whisk him away and give him a home to grow up in. He deserves that much. I'm going to miss our Minecraft nights so much. I'm glad I went back there purely to rebuild our relationship. I kind of want him to come visit Orion's place one day. I feel like he would fit in with everybody like Colt did.

I'm sad Cody, and I ended on such a bad note. We were doing good for the first time in years. We didn't have the same opinions or views on the world, but we both put that aside to hang out together. That's the amazing thing about what we had. We were so different, and yet, that didn't matter to us. I think I will miss him too.

I feel bad for dad as well. We were born into that family, but he chose it. I don't know how he lives with her, let alone love her. I have no idea what's going through his mind to see two of his kids walk out of that house. Hopefully, he'll open his eyes soon and realize something is wrong.

I make it to the school and sit on the curb in front of the doors. Pulling my knees to my chest, I take my phone out of my pocket and dial the first number in my favourites.

It rings twice before he answers. "Blythe?"

Just hearing his voice causes tears to spring to my eyes. My throat closes, and I have to swallow a few times before speaking. "Orion," I say. "Can you come get me?"

"Where are you?"

"The high school next to my house." I sniffle. "I'm sitting in front of the front doors."

"I'm on my way. Don't move, okay, Blythe? Stay there. I'm coming."


I'm sort of out of it when I see and hear a car pull up next to the curb. It's way past midnight, and the moon is hidden behind clouds, making the night darker than it should be. The lights from the car blind me, so I put a hand up in front of my eyes.

Someone hops out of the front and comes over to me, crouching down and putting a hand on my cheek. "Blythe?"

I squint up at Jax. "Hm?" I say.

"Hey, you're okay now. You're okay. Can you get up?"

I nod and stiffly get to my feet. I wobble, but warm hands steady me.


I can't think straight, but I hug him with all my might. "Thank you for coming, Jax," I mumble.

He wraps his arms around me. "It wasn't only me. Everyone is here."

"Everyone?" I look up and see everyone standing behind Jax. I smile. "You guys came." I run over and give everyone a hug. A feeling rushes through me, and I grab onto it. I can't remember the last time I felt this happy.

"Of course we came," Sam says. "You're family after all."

"Yeah. And family sticks together," Peter says.

"I missed you guys," I say.

"We missed you too."

"What happened?" Sam asks.

I shrug. "I left. Didn't want to be without you guys anymore."

Dev kisses me on the cheek.

"Let's go," Orion says from behind everyone. "We have a long drive back."

I scoot past the others and save his hug for last. "Thank you," I say, starting to cry again. I don't know whether it's from happiness, relief, or any emotion in between.

"No need to thank me, Blythe. I'd do anything for someone I love."

I pull back and look up at him. "You love me?"

He smiles. "Of course we do."

"Well, I love you, too. All of you guys."

Orion puts his hands on my face and leans down to kiss me, and it's everything I've always wanted wrapped up with a little bow.

We break apart, and he picks me up, carrying me to the open car door. He puts me down and goes to the driver's seat. He starts the car and drives off.

I look out the window at the slowly receding building until I can't see it anymore, and then I look at all the people who came to get me. I am so happy to see them. I don't know why, but I can tell I'm looking at my future when I see them. I am terrified of what is to come, but I know that with them there with me, I could do anything, and I would be okay. I yawn and rub at my eyes. "Sorry," I mumble and lean back in my seat, my hand falling beside the seat. I feel a hand grabbing mine and look behind me to see Peter biting his lip. I grab his hand and squeeze it with a smile on my face.

He squeezes my hand back.


My head leans against the window when the car comes to a stop. I'm sleeping but not really.

"Blythe is out."


"Yeah. He was tired before we left."

"Jax, bring him inside."

"Wait. Hold him up. I don't want him to fall out."

Hands pull me off the door, and I flop on someone else.

"Wow, he really is out cold."


I feel hands grasp at my legs, and someone picks me up. They carry me inside, and my eyes flutter open.

"Are we home yet?" I whisper against his neck, and I feel him shiver and grip me tighter.

"Yeah," Jax whispers. "Go back to sleep. I'm taking you to your room."

"No," I whine without thinking, gripping him tighter. "I wanna sleep with you guys. I don't want to be alone anymore."

"You won't be, Blythe. You'll never be alone again. I promise."

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