Chapter 18 Surprise Visitor

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Our weekend of being grounded has started, and I'm doing fine, but Peter won't stop pacing around our room.

He throws his hands up and groans. "I'm sick of this," he says.

I look at the clock on the nightstand. "It hasn't even been two hours yet." I go back to my book. Yesterday, Peter thought it would be a great idea to spray paint a rope white, dress up in his Spider-Man cosplay, climb to the top of a tree in the backyard, and attempt to swing like the real Spider-Man. Of course, Orion came out just as he was starting to swing and practically blew a fuse. He grounded Peter for being too reckless, and me because I was video taping it.

Pics or it didn't happen, right?

Honestly, I'm fine with being grounded. Back home, being grounded was amazing. It was like being sick. I could sit around in my room and do whatever I wanted when I wanted.

Peter doesn't have that outlook.

I put my book down and stand up from my bed. His pacing is making me anxious, so I won't be able to concentrate on it, even if I wanted to. Which I do by the way. I love this book.

"What can I do to make you stop pacing?" I ask.

He stops and looks at me. "I could really go for a caramel frappuccino."

I ignore the fact that caffeine doesn't calm him down and say, "Hate to break it to you, Peter, but we're grounded. That means no leaving to go get coffee."

He grins and walks over to the window, easily sliding it up. "What Orion doesn't know won't hurt him."

"I don't know, Peter." I'm genuinely worried about this.

"Have you ever snuck out before?"

"No." Mom would've killed me, and that's not an exaggeration. I forgot to do the dishes one time, and she locked me outside in the middle of winter in nothing but my pjs.

"Don't worry," Peter says. "I've done it a thousand times. It'll be fun."

I sit back down on the bed and pick up my book. "I'm okay with being grounded." It is the only time where I don't feel anxious 24/7.

"Fine. But you're missing out," he says in a sing-songy voice, already sitting on the window sill.

"Wait, wait. Fine. I'm coming." I put my book down and stand behind him, looking out at the drop.

"I knew you'd come around."

"That's a long drop."

He points beside the window where there's an empty trellis.

"Well, that's perfectly put there."

"I know right! Just climb down it, and we're free." He scooches to the edge of the sill and maneuvers himself onto the trellis. It shakes and moves as he quickly climbs down, and I fear that it's going to fall over with him on it.

But he makes it down and looks around, making sure no one has seen us. Then he gestures me down.

I swallow and hook my legs over the sill. Then I do what Peter did, albeit without the grace and swiftness that he had. When I place my feet on the ground, I breathe a sigh of relief. That was terrifying.

We run up to the sidewalk, out of sight from the house, and then walk normally, so we don't attract unwanted attention.

Peter laughs. "See? Easy."

"Easy for you maybe. I still feel like we're gonna get caught and killed."

"Orion won't kill us. Maybe do some other things. But not kill us."

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