Chapter 27 The Date

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I am panicking.

I should not have asked them. I should not have said that I would plan everything.

I have no idea how to plan a date.

I've never even been on a date!


Okay. Calm down, Blythe. Calm down. It can't be that hard.

Or can it?

God, I don't know.

I need to get my mind off of this for a few minutes. I don't know what to do.

I stop pacing and sit down at my desk. I pull out a piece of paper and a pencil and write "Things To Do For The Date" at the top. Then I list everything I need to do. Place, time, food, clothes.

Oh god. I have no clothes for a date. My wardrobe consists of jeans and hoodies. What do you even wear on a date?

I am hopeless.

Okay. Okay. I got this.

Place? I have no idea.

Time? I have no idea.

Food? I have no idea.

Clothes? I still have no idea.

I bang my head on my desk and groan.

"What's wrong, Blythe?"

I stand up quickly and see Peter coming into our room. I try to secretly sweep the paper off my desk, so he doesn't see it, but I know he does.

Thankfully, he doesn't press and goes over to his bed. He drops down on it and looks at me. "Everything okay?"

"Yes! Everything's fine. Great even. I'm just... working on something... that needs my attention. I'm gonna... go and... do... things. Bye." I practically run out of the room and down the stairs. I go to the kitchen first because I need food. It's almost two, and I haven't eaten anything yet. I've been so focused and freaked out over planning this date thing. After yesterday, I managed to get some good sleep, but when Peter accidentally woke me up at seven this morning, I haven't been able to go back to sleep.

I've been worrying ever since.

The first thing on my list is the place. From things I've read or watched, laser tag, paintball, or putt putt have been the top three things I can do. But I can't find a laser tag or paintball place anywhere nearby and putt putt doesn't seem all that fun to me.

And, as cliché as it is, I want our date to be special. I don't want to do something that everyone else does.

What would be fun to do?

I turn around and nearly drop the bowl of strawberries I got for lunch when I see Lincoln sitting at the island, eating blueberries and reading something on his phone. "When did you get here?" I ask and sit beside him.

"You stood at the fridge for five minutes before getting the strawberries."


"What are you reading?"

He eats a blueberry. "An article about a glow-in-the-dark bowling place that just opened a couple minutes from here. I've always wanted to go, and I know Peter and Sam love to bowl." He shrugs and gets up, carrying the blueberries with him.

"Wait." I hurry after him. "For no particular reason, can you send me that article?"

"Sure." He hits a button, and I check my phone to see I have a text from him.


He nods and leaves the kitchen.

I click on the link and scroll through the article. It has another link for the actual website of the place, and I click on that. I scroll until I see where it is exactly and prices. If the place is too expensive, then we can't go. I may want to treat everyone, but I'm a broke high school student who doesn't have a job. I have some cash saved up for emergencies, so I can use that, but it is mainly for emergencies.

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