Chapter 13 Easter Egg Hunt

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We've all been bored for days. Peter's been studying nonstop for his exams, and Jax, Lincoln, and Orion have been working. Sam's been practicing his flute—something about a concert or something—so it's just been Dev and I.

We sit on the couch in the den right now. Dev has the tv on, but I'm reading a book. I turn to the next page when Peter comes tramping down the stairs. He falls onto the couch next to Dev and sighs.

"My brain hurts."

"Are you done studying for now?" Dev asks.

"Yeah, but now I wanna do something that makes me forget about everything I just learned." Peter rubs his head. "Who knew summer school would be this stressful."

"Literally everybody," Dev says. He turns off the tv. "But I have an idea." His eyes light up, and Peter starts blushing.

Which grabs my attention because how can someone look so adorable while blushing? I shake my head, snapping myself out of it. I see Peter glance at me before biting his lip, grabbing Dev's hand, and pulling him out of the room. 

It's around lunchtime when I finally get up to get some food. I notice that no one has come down to get food, so they must be hungry. I see some bread on the counter and grab the turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mustard from the fridge. I make seven sandwiches, one for each of the boys, and one for me. I put turkey on six of them, leaving it off of Orion's. I leave the tomatoes off of Sam's. No mustard on Peter's, Lincoln's, or mine. 

I eat mine quickly before wrapping each in a napkin and putting them on a plate. I take the sandwiches to Orion's office first. I see his closed door and gently knock.

"Come in," he calls.

I open the door, and he smiles when he sees me. He gestures to the phone next to his ear as he leans back in his chair.

I do have to say. He looks good in a suit.

I place the top sandwich on his desk and turn to leave, but I feel a tug on my wrist. I turn around and watch as Orion leans up and kisses me on the cheek before sitting back down and talking on his phone.

I feel my face heat, and I get out of the room before he can see the smile on my face. I shake my head as I climb the stairs, trying to get the smile off of my face. I stop by Jax and Lincoln's rooms next. Similar things happen with them too, and it makes me happy. I get to Sam's room, and I knock again.

This time though, Sam opens the door with a smile on his face. "Hey. I was just coming downstairs because I got hungry."

I hold out a sandwich for him.

He unwraps it. "Thanks, but I don't like—"

"Tomatoes. I know. I left them off."


I shrug.

"What have you been doing all day?" he asks.

I shrug again, feeling very introverted today. "Reading." I hold up the two leftover sandwiches. "I have two more to deliver."

"To who?"

"Peter and Dev."

"I'll come with. I need a break from practicing anyway."

I nod and lead the way to Peter's room. The door is closed, so I knock and hear some kind of commotion inside. I get a little panicky when I realize that my stuff is in there and that they could be touching it and messing it up and trashing it and hiding it and stealing it—

The door opens, and Dev squeezes himself out before closing the door behind him again. He glances at me before looking at Sam. "Hey, guys. What's up?" he asks, pretending to be calm. He even leans against the doorway and crosses his arms.

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