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A/n's pov.
Next day...
You slowly opened your eyes and blinked em a few times .
U felt a huge headache but tried to get up , massaging your temples you sat on the bed. When suddenly u realised something and looked on your side.
But your expectations crashed again, he wasn't there. It was your old room in which u were .
U ruffled your hair , type of like scolding yourself for still thinking he would come, basically having expectations again.
U stood up from the bed and went to freshen up yourself.
Pov ends..

Y/n's pov..
I was brushing my teeth but eventually slowed down as i looked at my face , trying to remember if I did something wrong again, but y was i thinking as if only I was wrong! Why should I always blame myself for his mood swings.
I quickly removed my thoughts, if he can live without talking nicely to me then even i can live like that! Without him!
I exclaimed even though my heart started beating faster by thinking of living without him.
Damn ! Hearts are srsly stupid!
I quickly freshened up and after 30 mins I walked down.

I saw Stella down there!
She was on the couch while reading magazine , while Taehyung was in front of her trying to tie his tie . He saw my reflection behind him in the mirror , I looked at him through the mirror but quickly walked away towards the kitchen .

When suddenly...
Stella: GoOd MoRnInG y/N!
She said in a style lol. I stopped and turned around at her .
Y/n: Morning Stella.
She kept her magazine away and walked over to me while her stupid high heels making that annoying sound as she walked towards me.
Y/n: long time no see, how have you been.
Stella: hmm great, actually better than your state.
I furrowed my brows
Stella: hahaha, well how's office these days?I heard Tae finally let u out.
Y/n: yup he did , it's going amazing ... as always uk.
I smirked a bit and saw her clenching her jaw , she's always got a lower position than me and that's one of the reason why she hates me so much.
Y/n: btw i haven't seen u in office these days. Giving up already huh?
Stella: ha! (Scoff) i have more important works to do than coming to that boring place and looking at your ugly face everyday and ruining my day.
Y/n: aww i feel so sorry for your days that i ruined . But I'm actually proud about it.
I winked at her and started walking towards the kitchen.
Stella:  I have a valid and important reason y i left it do u understand!
She shouted behind u and stomped her feet, while u just ignored her...and walked away..
Stella: Aish! You bitc-
Taehyung: Stella your phone is ringing!
Stella: oh okay...
Stella was about to curse you when Taehyung quickly interrupted her.

She picked up the phone and went away while Tae glared at her.

Soon he saw you coming from the kitchen along with Nancy with your plates in hands.
U sat on the chair of the dining table , having juice and chit chatting about stuff.

15 mins later..
Y/n: I'll be going to meet mom and dad today . Wanna join me there?
Nancy: ooh! Would love to! What about your office btw!
Y/n: Unnie it's Sunday today.
Nancy: oh yeah! Lol i totally forgot !

We chuckled and the maid took away the dishes, Nancy went to change and i too decided to go after her as i don't have much work to do here. But i remembered of talking to maid about something....
So I stood up and went in the kitchen...
Y/n: excuse me Ms.Cassy!?
Ms. Cassy: oh , yes dear how may I help you?
Y/n: i actually wanted to ask you from how long have u been working here?
Ms.Cassy:  idk if I'm allowed to tell u this but...ok let me... , since the time they shifted here since then.
Y/n: umm and since when are they living here?
Ms.Cassy: a century or maybe a lil above?
Y/n: c-century! Ok.. it's normal but you? How are u li-? I mean , are u too a ... ?

She chuckled and opened her mouth showing me her fangs.

I gasped .

Y/n: omg! I mean , wow! I mean oh no! No I mean! You're beautiful!
She laughed at my shook state.
Ms.Cassy: it's a normal reaction that i would expect from you dear.
Y/n: hehe.
Ms.Cassy: don't worry i won't hurt you! Infact I'm happy that now everyone in this house knows about my reality!
Y/n: hehe, btw it's more cool though... Well if by any chance you know who Taehyung's grandma was?
Ms.Cassy: i have mostly seen her in our library , reading ancient books. She doesn't talk, is always busy reading and experimenting different stuff, she does go to her fav. Place outside sometimes , her cat is always there with her. If u try talking to her , she vanishes . She talks very lil and at some rarest events only. But i haven't seen her talking in these years though.
Y/n: u mean , she's still in here?
Ms.Cassy: yup she is , everyone knows, even Tae does , but this grandma of his is totally different than who she was before when she was alive. He really misses her old grandma , even she doesn't talk to him at all! He saw her roaming around , he tried talking to her but she never talked back. Gradually he just gave up and got happy by looking at her presence in the library whenever he missed her.
Y/n: but y doesn't she talk?
Ms.Cassy: no body knows. But y are u asking this, all of a sudden? Need help?
Y/n: oh n-no, umm actually i wanted to ask if u somehow know about the recipie of Taehyung's grandma's cake that he loves the most .
Ms.Cassy: if I knew don't u think he wouldn't be missing it still. Every birthday we just try to somehow make the cake for him but it doesn't taste exactly like how he loved, we even tried asking his Grandma but uk it's of no use. She is silent.
Y/n: o-oh~
Y/n: well thanks for the information btw.
She smiled as i bowed and went away...

Tʜᴇ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ʙɪᴛᴇ (Taehyung×Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now