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Y/n reached home after waving a good bye to her bestie she went inside, kept her bag at it's proper place changed the shoes to slippers and switched on the lights .
She went inside and took a warm bath.
After wearing her comfy clothes she made a messy bun and went to eat, after her belly got full, she decided doing some chores , she went in her laundry room and started putting her clothes in the washing machine, including the ones that she wore today. She was putting her lower when something fell from it on the floor.
She took notice of it and picked it up ! It was that pendant!
After setting the machine she went in her room and sat on her desk.
She was observing the pendant , while moving her thumb over it , it felt greasy coz of the algae , she took a cloth and wiped it over it .
After a few seconds that old pendant was now new ! She moved her thumb over that red part again , it was so smooth that she wanted to touch it again and again. Giving out a deep sigh, she hung the pendant on her jewelry stand and went to wash her hands.
Coming back in her room she thought if she should continue with her work or not? But that was just so irritating for her so she decided to take some rest and think about it later or as Mark said tomorrow!
She layed on her bed while looking outside at the stormy weather and in no time she drifted off to her dreamland.
A/n's pov
Y/n went off to sleep , when the pendant's red part sparkled a bit.
Next Morning:
At the office,
Mark: good morning angel!!
Y/n: how many names do u have for me*chuckled* btw morning.
Mark: manyyyyyy!!
They laughed..
Mark: btw did that friend of yours came to your house?
Y/n: which friend!?(confused) (she said while keeping her bag on the table )
Mark: that old lady!? Ig u had a great time with her having bread and jam no.
Y/n: Markyy!!!
Mark laughed they were interrupted by Stacy.
Stacy: what's up guys!!!
Y/n: aaahh~ STACYYYY!!! 
She ran towards her and they both hugged eachother tight!
Y/n: how's Granny!!?
Stacy: She's better now , I didn't wanted to come but she forced me , saying she's alright now !
Y/n: oh!
Mark: but we know she's not...
Stacy nodded
Y/n: come on guys cheer up! If you'll be positive you'll spread positivity and she'll be happy to see u guys happy and will turn good again!
Mark: you're right ! That's what I tell Stacy!
They all agreed when Boss entered ! He came in and bursted out a cracker!
Mark who was standing behind you and Stacy leaned forward and whispered.
Mark: Don't you think he drinks in morning itself?
You both tried hard not to laugh by covering your mouth .
Everyone looked at him expecting him to speak ahead..
Boss: I'm getting an assistant!!
Mark: but weren't you having him ?
Boss: yeah but he left the job as he went abroad, it was really a load of work without him!
Someone: then who's he now?
Boss: it's not he ! It's she!
Everyone looked at eachother confused , thinking whose getting a promotion?
Boss: it's no other than our Y/N!!!
Everyone hooted and clapped for her!
Meanwhile Y/n was a bit tensed , coz her work will increase more now!
Her boss summoned her and she went towards him..while Mark and Stacy patted her back while shaking her in happiness that their bestie got a promotion!
Y/n walked towards boss and stood beside him..
Boss: congratulations y/n , btw it's not me , your progress in the company made the CEO really proud, your ideas your creativity everything, he's so happy that,  he decided to give u a promotion!
They all clapped.
Boss : alright now , back to work guys !!! And y/n I need to talk to u in person, follow me .
Y/n nodded and followed him towards his cabin...
In cabin:
Boss sat on his chair and Y/n sat in front of him..
Boss: look y/n, you're a really great blogger ! And sometimes working so hard on something exhausts the mind. Ik I have really many expectations from u but I'm sorry...
Y/n sat up straight afraid
Y/n: s-sorry for what sir?
Boss: I'm sorry for not treating you like a human but as a robot , I was so amazed by your way of writing blogs that even if the work was of two months I made u do it in a week or so.. I'm sorry..
Y/n was shook!!
Boss: I didn't tell u but ofc I raised your salary , but now as you're my assistant your salary will be double than how you used to get earlier ...
Y/n: umm that's ok sir bu-
Boss: oops and I also forgot , your this work of writing on emotions of people, which is of course a boring topic but u see people voted for it more , so basically this task you have to complete with in two months .
Y/n couldn't believe her ears!!!
Y/n: t-two...months!!!???
Boss nodded ..and smiled at her..
Y/n: OMG!! Thank you so much sir!!!
Boss : no don't thank me ! It's alright u have two-two good news today right!!
Y/n nodded
After some time..
She stood up bowed down and took her leave ..
She ran towards Mark and Stacy and told them everything that happened! They hugged y/n tightly coz of her success!
Stacy: we srsly need a party now!!!
Mark: yeah!! Ofc!!
Y/n: hehe , ofc u will but not now ..gotta party on my own , there's this movie on Netflix I was longing to watch !! Aah~

Mark and Stacy made a lame face
Y/n: heyy~ c'mon guys! *Giggled*
They all laughed and went on their respective desks for doing their work.

In the evening..
Y/n was sitting on her couch watching Netflix and eating her fav snacks!
Y/n: oh c'mon you can't do that to her ! Argh!!! This bastard!!
She reached her hand inside the packet but it was empty..
Y/n: oh no!! *Whines like a baby*
She paused the movie and went In the kitchen to look for some more packets but unfortunately it was the last one ...
Y/n : aish! Forget it now I don't wanna eat anymore , my belly's full .
She gets back to watch her left over movie but got interrupted by an unwanted call.

Tʜᴇ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ʙɪᴛᴇ (Taehyung×Y/n)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें