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I was on my way to my house, i had met Martha , it was so good to meet after a long time. We talked about alot of stuff but still didn't get tired. It was an awsm day it's 6 rn and I'm super tired. Sitting in the taxi i was looking outside , the sky was cloudy and it was about to rain any min.
Soon i reached my old place.
I looked at my colony, there was a pin drop silence there. I walked towards my house while looking around. It brought back so many memories, my neighborhood , the way we used to give each other Christmas gifts and party on New year's Eve. Everything was still fresh in my mind . The smell brought back so much that i didn't expect. Ik i lived alone but my neighbourhood never made me feel alone. Maybe everyone were inside coz of the weather. Soon i reached in front of my house.
My home! It was such a different and beautiful feeling when I saw my brown gate. I placed the key inside the keyhole and turned it revealing the door open. I took a deep breath and opened the door a bit more. I looked infront and my hallway gave me the same cozy vibe as before. I stepped inside as i saw my mat inside kept in the corner . Someone might have kept it in here in my absence how thoughtful. I closed the door and walked ahead. Those paintings of mine were still on the walls, the smell was all the same. All those memories flashed back in my head. How i used to come back home from my tiring days. My certificates and trophies were still there on the table all decorated as before. Everything was as untouched as before. No cobwebs and all, coz Mark and Stacy had been looking after it in my absence, how sweet!
I reached my living room and looked around after keeping my bag on the couch . The vase and the windows that were broken when Taehyung came were all fixed. Thanks to Mark for that. The curtains were pulled and that cozy vibe remained. I switched on the lights to get a more perfect view of my sweet home. My kitchen at the back , the garden door beside it. It was all the same. I decided to go in my room upstairs.
I went in my room as i pushed the handle down .
My sweet Lil cozy bedroom was all the same. The way I had left. My decor , my study table everything was the same. I looked around with my teary eyes, i reached my almirah and opened it with the keys , my clothes were kept all tidely as i left em . My house papers in the locker all safe, lol and yes ofc my phone which was broken was there in the drawer. I chuckled . It brought back so many memories. After closing the almirah i went in my balcony. The view was all that i missed. While looking around my eyes landed on the balcony in front. It reminded me of my and Taehyung's first met. When i was heading towards library and the books got wet as i bumped into him. Somehow he dried em up and i was totally shook by that. This balcony when he killed woofy and i saw my bracelet in his wrist. I still remember his that stare.
I chuckled to myself yet again. I went back inside and went in washroom.
After splashing some water on my face i felt a bit fresh. I walked back inside my room and looked at my bed.
Y/n: I wonder if it feels the same.
I walked towards it and layed on it , oh gosh how badly did i miss my fav. Matress . I was right it was all the same.
I felt an urge of living back that old life of mine. That i quickly stood up and went to bathroom to take a warm bath and change into comfortable clothes.
Y/n's pov ends...

Taehyung's pov..
The mission was successful we finally brought the real blue file back and carefully replaced it with the duplicated one. No one was hurt and that's what I liked the most. Our weapons plan is there with us .
After freshening up i walked towards my bed and ruffled my hair with the towel, when I remembered Y/n ruffling my hair in morning. Idk but i have to agree with Jin hyung, he was right she is like a ball of sunshine, don't want to agree to the fact that i miss her now, i wiped my hair with towel . I walked towards my cupboard and opened it as i saw a bag in front of me. Curiousity hit me as i opened it to check what was in there. I pulled out something soft and when I looked at it i remembered what it was , the keyrings that y/n wanted to buy for herself and Nancy when we went to The hills (your 🍯🌚destination).
It was still a surprise!
Taehyung: Oh shoot! i forgot to give it to her.
I kept it back in and pulled out something else which i couldn't help but stare at while smiling.
The picture of Y/n that i clicked with those kids who asked her to click their pic. This is so pretty . She looked so happy here.
I can't believe I had already started missing her! The hell ! I couldn't stop myself from this. I quickly kept the pic back inside and wore my  shirt.
I closed the cupboard and looked at the time just to realise that i was getting late!
Taehyung: oh no! She must be waiting for me! I can't get late.
I took my car keys and phone and left.

Tʜᴇ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ʙɪᴛᴇ (Taehyung×Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now