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I slowly opened my eyes when I found Nancy waking me up..
Nancy: wake up girl~!!!
I looked at her with a confused face while my eyes still half closed .
Y/n: what's it Nancy?
Nancy: good news!!!
Y/n: what~
I said while sitting up in the bed...while rubbing my eyes like a baby, and still half asleep.
Nancy: girl look at your feet!
I got back to my senses and pulled my feet closer to me.
I pulled down the socks and found my foot healed up !! That too properly !!!
Nancy: try stretching your toes or walk!
Y/n: what if it-
Nancy: just try !!
She helped me up , I flinched when my feet hit the ground I thought it'll hurt didn't felt like I never got hurt!
I opened my eyes and looked down at my feet...and then I looked at Nancy with an excited face! I started jumping around the room running like a kid while being excited saying "OMG!! OMG!!! I can't believe this Omg!!!!!
Y/n: Nancy!!!!
Nancy got startled when I shook her shoulders and hugged her!
Y/n: it's a miracle!!!!
She chuckled and we broke the hug...
Nancy: okay now get ready you have to go out for the dinner tonight...
My smile dropped at that point...
Nancy: not again, I really don't like your this sad face (pouts) , c'mon cheer up!
I nodded in defeat and went to washroom to get fresh!
A/n's pov.
Nancy went outside when she met Taehyung near the stairs..
Nancy: oh, i was coming to u only.
Tae: huh?
Nancy: thanks, for the ointment that u gave me, her feet are totally healed! She was super happy, but-
Tae: u didn't tell her right? That i gave u that ointment?
Nancy: what? No ! Of course not! U asked me not to tell her so why will i?
Tae: hmm good.
Nancy: btw how did it? I mean-

He just looked at her and without listening to her full sentence just went away to his room.
She stood there dumbfounded.
Nancy: well nevermind.

Y/n's pov
After a few minutes...
I came out of the bathroom as i looked at Nancy in my room.
Nancy: so ready? Hmm now go and wear this dress and I'll do your hair and makeup!
I nodded and went back in the restroom while Nancy stayed in the room preparing the make up and all that was needed.

Minho's pov
I was assuring everything was in a perfect condition and our men were there at the restaurant at time . We were still working on how last night that man entered our place even after such a great security....I was in my room going through some papers and pictures of Cctv footage ....when Taehyung came inside .
Minho: you ready?
Tae: yeah almost! What are u doing?
Minho: just checking if the xxx restaurant is safe by our men reaching there or not!
And these CCTV footage from last night.
Tae: found any clue?
Minho: not yet , coz nothing is captured in the footage..
Tae: hmm...
Minho: you're just going to reply with hmm?
Tae: rn I don't want to talk about our mission Minho!

He said while getting his clothes fixed

Minho: .......hmm...btw if u don't mind may I ask u something?
Tae: sure.
Minho: do u really want to marry her? I mean she doesn't even like u and neither do u!
Tae: idc Minho ! I have planned everything! It's just a fact of few months till then I'll secure my place and then I'll give her divorce that's it!
Minho: but u know if u do that she'll be in danger ! You'll leave her but they would take her! What if they asked her everything about us?
Tae: Don't worry, I'll erase her memory.

He said adjusting his collar and looking at the mirror.
Minho: it's not only about her! You would erase her memory but u can't erase theirs ! They'll come for her!
Taehyung stopped working ... And looked at Minho!
Minho: ik you don't like eachother ! But you're just using her for your own sake! She's just a normal human who has a heart! We can't let anything happen to her ! That's our job!! Remember that...
Tae: I do
With that he went out with his expressionless face...
Minho: I hope things get better between you two after marriage!
Minho's pov ends

Back to y/n's room...
Here they were laughing and talking of stuff while getting y/n ready!
Nancy: yeah I loved that movie too!
Y/n: that scene was my favourite!
Nancy: yeah, he played an incredible role there.
They said while looking at the phone showing a poster representing a scene from the movie they were talking of...

Tʜᴇ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ʙɪᴛᴇ (Taehyung×Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now