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I reached back to my room wiping my tears away , i opened the gate.
As soon as I went inside i saw him standing in front of me while crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Y/n: you were here?
Tae: yes madam, i was! And why did u lock me inside this room!
Y/n: but where were you before?
Tae: ig u don't know but there are two bathrooms in this room , i was in the other one.
Y/n: o-oh.
I look down, and closed the door. And started going inside the room. I srsly didn't wanted to face him so I decided to go to the bathroom.
I started going but suddenly stopped as he spoke.
Taehyung: where have you been btw?
Y/n: j-j-just n-no-
Taehyung: Stop stuttering Y/N!
Y/n: I- j-just wen-went t-t-t-t-to-
He started walking towards me with a furious face.
No! God damn! He's back!
Taehyung: speak up Y/n.
Y/n: T-T-Tae-Taehyung...
Taehyung: stop with that!
Suddenly my back hits the wall and he leans towards me. He was scaring me. I shut my eyes not wanting to face him as i looked down. I didn't open my eyes for a few seconds as i felt he didn't do anything. I looked up and found him staring at me. Within a second , he moves his hand behind my neck , I could feel shivers all over my body as i sensed his hand near my neck. But suddenly , he pulled out my rubber band which opened my hair from a low ponytail.
I looked at him confusingly.
Taehyung: keep em open, till the time your wound gets healed up properly.
He said covering my neck by dividing my hair on both sides .
He wore my rubber band in his wrist and backed off. There was a sudden change in his behaviour! Why ! Why was it so!?
There was a lot going in my head and i had to ask him!
He's my husband and I don't even know a single thing about his history in detail! And all this happening with me was messing up with my head! I was hating this feeling!

Y/n: and why should I do that?

He stopped on his way going away from me. He turned towards me.
Taehyung: what do u mean?
Y/n: why can't you just show your Vampire self to me and do all that with me rather than killing innocents!

He looked at me with disbelief!

I walked towards him and spoke.
Y/n: Taehyung i don't even know a bit of your history! Who are all these people who are following us ! Or just me! What is your history? Who is your grandma!? What are all these dreams of mine!? Who is that shadow man that comes in my dreams and scares me!? What is with that pendant!? Why my life totally changed after i brought it at my place!? What was that cloud type thing that got out from it?
What is all this going on in my life!? Why did Mark said he was forced to do that!? Who were the people who tried to kill me before you came!?
Taehyung: y/n , you don't need to know about all this.
He turned around and started walking away as i stopped him and pulled him around by his wrist and ask him!
Y/n: WHY!? why are you hiding all of this ?!? Why don't you just tell me about your history so that I can help you with these people!? Why are you doing all of this alone Taehy!? Why!?
He just kept looking in my eyes.

Taehyung: why are you even bothered? Won't you like to scold me for what I did last night? Won't u wanna fight with me like u used to earlier , even though u can see I'm changing? The way I behaved with u in morning?
I know u got to know about last night. But still not everything.

Y/n: and that's what I want you to share with me! And why will I scold you? I'm srsly not that bad as u think of me.
I made him sit on the bed as i crouch down on my knees ,
Y/n: look Taehyung, i want to sort out things between us please. I want to get back my normal life , not this stressful one. Show me your world Tae. I want to know about you, who you are? What your world is , how different is it from our normal human world.
Taehyung: i can't tell you that ! Now stop with all this!
Y/n: Tae pls!! Please!
He was about to get up but sat back as i pulled him down again.
Taehyung: firstly , it's you who said to keep this marriage just for 6 months, after that u on your way and i on my way . Do-
Y/n: at least for 6 months i don't want to be a burden for you Taehyung! For how long will you keep saving me all the time? I want to help you too. For how long will you keep saving me from problems that are caused by me!
I took out your brother from that pendant didn't i? i was the one who picked up the phone call yesterday! I was the one who jumped into the oce-
Taehyung: u did that to save that lil girl, and all other innocent ppl. I'm rather proud of you for what you did than being angry!
I looked down.
Y/n: all i wanna say is , in all these times the problems are caused by me , that day I left the camera in the forest and look what it lead too.
Taehyung: but you were the one who saved me too.
Y/n: exactly!
Taehyung: what?
Y/n: whenever u needed help , i did. We came out of it together in some cases , look if I hadn't read your diary , I wouldn't have got to know about Vampires! I would also not be able to save you Taehyung. In these 6 months idk what else can happen! Ik we don't like eachother, we're always fighting but we even fear of losing one another. I do. I am the reason behind all these problems . I want to fight with them with you! I want to assure you that you're not alone!
I looked up and saw him constantly staring at me.
I sighed and got up. I turned around to leave but got pulled by my wrist as i looked at Taehyung in his eyes. He was smiling a bit.
Taehyung: so umm wanna hear a story?
I couldn't believe what I just heard, I smiled brightly as i nodded .
He too smiled watching me smile.

Tʜᴇ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ʙɪᴛᴇ (Taehyung×Y/n)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz