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I read ahead,
Dear diary,
Here I am sitting beside my grandson, who ik is there with me , can feel me but in which world he is rn idk, his lips are dry , skin is getting blue, has dark circles under his eyes and messy hair, wearing the hospital patient clothes he looks so bad! I want my child to recover soon and I wanna take him back home . It's been a month now , and doctors said they don't think he's recovering even a bit , all the money that I had saved were spent on his treatment, now I don't have money to give to the hospital. I don't even sleep properly coz I'm worried about him, will he wake up soon? Or will he wake up after I'll die? No body knew. I was feeling better after seeing him but didn't wanted him to be like this ever, never knew an angel like him would go through all this, such a kindhearted kid.

Y/n: kindhearted? angel? Is that really Taehyung? What happened to him?
I flipped ahead and saw the date was almost after a week , no pages were ripped too. Curiosity hit me and I started reading ahead.

Dear diary,
It's been almost a week since I last gave a visit to Taehyung. I had gone to my village to get some money for him but look at my luck, doctors gave me a good news ! He was awake , and now he was back home. Yesterday only he came back.
But , dear diary, idk but I'm not getting my old Taehyung vibes from him anymore, he became pale and more fair, his touch is so cold and eyes have changed it's colour, even though he's smiling normally at me but his eyes give me a glare look which seems to be his soft side.
Has he too?

Y/n: he changed!? Woah! Something would have happened in the hospital only!
I flipped the page to a new part

Dear diary,
I finally found it! Yes he's not a human anymore , he became a Vampire! I was literally thinking that smthng wrong happened with him and if you're thinking does he know about his elder brother, so yes he does but he just knows he died but doesn't know how and actually he's dead but should I say dead-alive?
This place was not safe for him, actually for humans here, so I took him faraway to somewhere in cold where the weather was mostly cold so I decided to take him to hills .
We bought a hut and started living there.

Y/n: woah! This is like a movie!
I flipped the page and saw the part written of after two months.

Dear diary,
I wasn't feeling well today, I had dinner and went back to my room last night but suddenly I had an urge to barf, I ran towards the washroom and let out my stomach, I got scared when I saw blood in sink, I vomitted blood???
Since a few days I was even having severe headache , I decided to go to doctor the next day, that is today.
And so I did, I went to doctor and as I wasn't hoping for it but it happened , doctor told me I had throat cancer and was living on the last stages, anything could happen to me within a few days.
I came back home and decided to not to tell anything regarding this to Taehyung. I observed him since a few months , he's sleeping in the morning time and goes out somewhere at night , I once saw his red eyes when he came back!
He became cold from soft, he needed love which I gave him but after entering the vampire world he's actually like a new born who's craving for it, he needs an environment in which ppl like him are there, I knew initially he felt so insecure about himself , his thirst for blood started to grow when I used to come around him and coz he loved me that much he used to control it and run away.
It would have been so hard for him to be like that in his early vampire stages! Then I started training him , and he now is an animal blood drinker due to which his eyes have turned golden from deep red! But I'm worried what if someone in future comes into his life who's blood's smell is so strong that it drives him crazy! His yellow eyes will start turning to red , but I hope he stops himself from hurting that person until and unless they didn't do anything wrong!


The book almost fell from my hands when I remembered our first meet, his eyes turned deep red from golden! So does it mean I make him- no! It can't be!

Tʜᴇ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ʙɪᴛᴇ (Taehyung×Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now