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Malia's POV


Painless ...

"Hello?" I whispered and it echoed around the place I was in and I couldn't see anyone.

"Am I dead?" and again it echoed as I heard myself repeating everything I am saying.

"My dear granddaughter" I heard a voice which made me look around looking to see who it was and that's when I saw a strange looking woman and for some reason it felt like I knew her.

"Who are you?" I asked her and she sighs sadly and steps forward.

"My dear, I am your grandmother and I'm here to help you but unfortunately I can't fully help you..." she answered my questioned but many more became entering in my head.

"What do you mean can't fully help me?" I frowned in confusion.

"The witch that cased the spell on you is a dark witch, as she cased the spell on you she died so it didn't fully work as she didn't finish it so I can help you but there will be problems or side effects that will come out with it" she explains it to me and I couldn't help but feel like everything she is telling me is truth.

"What problems or side effects?" I became thoughtful wondering what side effects can happen.

"I can help you remember Cam but I can't bring back the other memories of your life" she says as she gave a sad smile with sympathy in her eyes.

"So Chase was right about Cam?"

"Yeah sweetie he's your mate just as much your his" she explains to me which only made me want to make a choice and I did as I looked up to her.

"Do it" I whispered as I thought about what will happen and I looked at her and nodded telling her that I'm sure that i wanted this as i thought about what this would be i didn't feel any emotion because i knew that the memories i lost i didn't know what they were so i couldn't miss them.

"Be sure my dear Malia" she looked at me gently.

"I am sure" i nodded and stepped forward towards her she nodded and walked up to me and I felt the power rolling of her.

"Aren't you dead?" I questioned her.

"Yes my dear" she nods to me.

"Then how do you have so much power still?" I wondered and asked her the question but something told me that I was just delaying what was going to happen to me.

"Some times us witches will never loose their power even in death, some say that our power can help us come to the impossible times where you think your alone"

"What do you mean?" frowning confused.

"Just remember that your never really alone, when if you don't ever get your memory back there will be people there that will help you on your way " she explains herself better than she could and I understood what she was saying.

"Now are you ready?" She looked amused like she knew what I was doing so I began thinking what was I really doing?

"OK, I'm ready" as she came closer and that's when she touched my forehead and I couldn't help but let out a scream and hold it myself afterwards and images began running into my head and they all included Cam.

My Cam...

As all the images began fading I gasp in shocked but I was suddenly back in my physical for and just when I did I looked around where I was and whimpered as I saw Cam sitting beside me crying also whimpering but not in pain but in lose of the thought of loosing he's mate.

Just as I saw the pain in he's tears, I began remembering everything that happened before I lost my memory and the promise I made to come back to Cam.

"Cam" I whispered as I stated to remember everything as I looked at he's face and saw pure emotion that was flowing through he's eyes.






"Its me" I nodded and whimpered and I quickly pulled him into a hug.

"I'm back, I came back to you like i promised" I whispered.

"I love you so much for a moment there I thought I lost you!" He says all this emotionally as I heard he's wolf whimpering and as I touched him I started hearing he's wolf talking.

'She's back'  he says to himself like making sure that it was true and he wasn't actually dreaming it.

'Yeah Benny i think she is'  i heard Cam says to hes wolf abit unsure about if i was really there so I touched he's head and did something that I didn't think I could do and that was to speak to my other half's wolf.

'I'm not going anywhere Benny'  I spoke into he's mind as Cam frowned and then gasp in shock that I could talk to him.

'MALIA!' Benny shouted out in shock also and I couldn't help but laugh at he's reaction and then grinned as I opened my eyes and saw Cam looking at me with so much love.


"My grandmother, she helped me get my memory back" I told him a little bit of the truth expect for one bit.

"That's great!" He grins at me and I couldn't help but smile at him but it was only a sad smile as I knew I had given up.

"There's one problems though" I said to him as I was getting ready to tell him the biggest problem there was and something is knew he would be worrying about.

"What is it?" He frowns confused.

"I can only remember our memory's..." I whispered them as I was still unsure about why I wasn't upset about not loosing them in the first place as I come to think about it the only thing I could think of was the pain that I felt at the thought of loosing my Cam.

"Which means I don't know about anyone else who knows me" as I expand to him about what I meant I hugged him again as I'm felt tears begin to roll down my cheek at the lose I'm going through.

"I'll help you, I promise" he promised me that he will and I believed him because he's my mate just as I promised him I'll come back to him.

Just an example >>>>

The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Where stories live. Discover now