Gotta Step On The Gas

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I pressed the start button on the game and was brought to a character selection menu. 'Dave's message said that the purple static only appears if the player is Roxy.' I thought, I selected Roxy and the screen changed to a kart selection menu. There were multiple customized options for the kart's body, steering, and tires. I was unsure which options I should choose, I wanted to be fast, but not too fast, otherwise, I might miss some static patches. I decided to go with the basic kart loadout for the race, hopefully, it will be enough to win the game and get rid of the static patches.

The screen transitioned to a racetrack that appeared to be in a large canyon. There were 12 racers on the track, I was able to recognize Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Monty, but I was unfamiliar with the rest of the racers. Roxy was at the very back of the starting line while all the other racers were ahead of her, as the sounds of engines humming played through the game's speakers, a countdown appeared on the screen.

I placed my foot on one petal, but I wasn't moving when the countdown reached zero and the other racers drove ahead of me. "Oh no! this isn't good!" I said as I tried to figure out what I was doing wrong, I imagined driving inside a broken-down car before, but I have never driven a car in real life or played a game like this. However, I did read about car functions from books with Claire in the past. From what I could remember, there were two petals inside a vehicle, the gas pedal makes it go and the breaks stop it. I took my foot off the petal I was pressing on and tried the other on.

The kart started moving forward with great force. Now that I'm moving, hopefully, I can recover from this rocky start, 'Remember the gas pedal is on the right!' I thought. I ran over a purple static patch in front of me and saw 3 racers ahead of me. "I hope I can get past them." I said and I drove faster, I managed to pull ahead of them and saw another racer not too far ahead of me. As I was approaching, the track was leading towards a large trench up ahead. Luckily, there was a ramp I could use to get across.

The car drove up the ramp and was gliding through the air, I was able to get a nice view of the track up above the trench. I glided past the racer ahead of me and kept driving as the kart touched back on the ground. I made a right turn and followed a winding path that took me into a dark cave. I caught glimpses of stalagmites on the ground and saw a racer crash into one, I took this chance to get ahead of them and reach 7th place. I drove out of the cave and saw multiple boulders on the race track.

I managed to avoid them by making a few sharp turns, but I almost crashed into the last one. I saw two more racers in front of me trying to get ahead of one another, one of them made a left turn and zoomed ahead while I was getting closer to the racer left behind. While I was struggling to get into 6th place, I saw another static patch coming up on my right. I pushed the racer next to me aside and got rid of the static, I even managed to get in 6th place too.

I zoomed across the finish line and started my 2nd lap around the track, "The other racers ahead of me can't be too far, right?" I said to myself. I saw two more static patches next to each other and drove right over them. As I kept driving through the canyon, I saw another static patch in front of me, but suddenly, a sandstorm was blowing through the canyon. "What the?!" I said as the sand obscured my vision, I nearly missed the static patch because of the storm, this was going to make finding them and the other racers harder.

I entered the cave again and was free from the raging sandstorm, but I still had to worry about the stalagmites hiding in the dark. Unfortunately, I crashed into one and felt the game's chair vibrate, this also caused a racer behind me to take 6th place. "Oh, crud!" I said quickly driving around the stalagmite. Luckily, the other racer crashed into a stalagmite too and lost 6th place. "I need to be more careful." I left the cave and was thrown back into the sandstorm. "Oh, come on! It's still going on?!"

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