A Face In The Crowd

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I walked through the streets of Hurricane, Utah, on my way to the Mega Pizzaplex, I couldn't help but overhear the things that the people around me were saying. "Have you heard the news?" "Another attack happened yesterday." "Who do you think the Fazbear Freak is?" "Why would anyone kill a sweet innocent child?" "Déjà vu not this again." I stopped walking when I approached a group of people at a crosswalk patiently waiting for the light to change. While waiting for the traffic light to turn red, I looked across the street and noticed a woman looking at a missing person poster taped to the wall of a building.

The poster had the image of a young girl who looked no older than 8 with curly red hair and hazel eyes, the woman looking at the poster was crying, she wiped her eyes with a tissue while letting out soft whimpers. I couldn't help but wonder, 'Who is that girl? Is she the woman's daughter or niece, or is that woman the girl's teacher?' I never had the chance to have a loving family or experience what it's like to go to school, but from what I remember hearing from other kids, school is not something that is fun for children. When the light turned red and the group of people began walking, I quickly followed. After crossing the street, I walked away from the group and went in the direction of the crying woman. While walking past her, I overheard the woman whimper, "I'm so sorry, Chloe..." Before wiping her eyes with her tissue again. 'So she does know that missing girl.' I thought to myself.

Missing people posters are becoming a common sight in Hurricane, Utah, many parents are hesitant to have their kids play outside for so long because of this so-called "Fazbear Freak", some people are surprised that the Fazbear Freak hasn't broken into homes and attacked residents, but if the police don't catch the Fazbear Freak quickly, it could escalate to that. The idea of a dangerous individual attacking you is enough to make children too scared to sleep at night. I looked up at the sky and noticed a few storm clouds beginning to roll in. If I wanted to get to the Mega Pizzaplex before the incoming storm arrived, I needed to hurry. I began to quicken my pace towards my destination.

When I finally arrived at the Mega Pizzaplex, I stopped near the entrance to the large 3 story building. I looked at the Pizzaplex and let out a sigh, "I wish you were here, Ness." Before Ness went missing, she had promised me that she would take me on a special tour of the Mega Pizzaplex. Unfortunately, since the Security Guard and Programming Prodigy is now missing on life support, that special tour with Ness is not going to happen any time soon. I regained my focus and walked to the front entrance, I saw a family standing in front of a strange robot that had no mouth and a pair of unnerving eyes. Two blue beams of light emanated from the robot's eyes that scanned a little girl in the family. Once the robot finished its scan, it let out a series of technical noises before saying, "Guest profile found. Hello, Emily! Welcome back to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex." The little girl smiled with delight as the doors opened for her and her family to walk through, it was then that I realized a serious problem. 'I need a guest profile to get in? I don't have one.' I mentally groaned. I feared if I tried to go through the front door without a guest profile, the robot could call security and kick me out imminently. 'There must be another way inside.' I thought to myself.

I managed to find what looked like a Loading Dock at the back of the Mega Pizzaplex. I ducked behind boxes and vehicles to avoid being detected by the workers, I dashed past security cameras the best I could until I found an air vent. I began to feel unsure if this way of entry was a good idea. While I was mentally debating on whether or not I should enter the air vent, I felt a small drop of water on my right shoulder. I looked at my shoulder and started to hear the sounds of water touching different surfaces. When I looked up at the sky, I found my answer, it was raining. "You've gotta be kidding me!" I said to myself. I looked back at the way I came from while more and more water droplets fell from the sky, I knew that going back was no longer an option, I'd rather not go back to my "home" empty-handed and get sick from staying out in the rain too long. At that moment, I turned my attention to the air vent and said to myself, "Well, there's no turning back now."

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