Locked In

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The doors revealed a long staircase going down. Freddy held the railing as he walked down the stairs. On his way to the Utility Tunnels, Freddy passed by a S.T.A.F.F. Bot cleaning the floor behind a chained-off gate and noticed an unusual sight. An Endoskeleton was climbing down the walls like a spider and disappeared into the darkness when it reached the bottom. 'How odd.' He thought when he continued down the stairs. Suddenly, Freddy and I heard a very familiar voice.

"Hello? Little boy? If you're down here, say something!" We knew whose voice that was, hearing Vanessa's voice caused me to imminently tense up. "She's down here! We have to go back, Freddy." However, that didn't stop Freddy from walking down the stairs, he gently placed a hand on his stomach hatch before giving me reassurance, "Do not worry, Gregory. Even if we are spotted, you are safe with me. She would never suspect we are traveling together." That made me feel a little better.

After all, I didn't make a sound when I was inside Freddy during his system check or on the way to his Green Room, even with Vanessa close to me. "However, we should still do our best to avoid her. If I am sent back to my room, we will never get to the Lobby before midnight." He continued.

I then remembered the intercom message saying that the Pizzaplex would be closed for a few days after what happened to Freddy on Stage. All the more reason to get out quickly. Freddy let go of the railing when he reached the bottom of the stairs. However, his footsteps caused the band-aid on my right cheek to come loose.

The band-aid fell off after Freddy walked through the shutter door in front of him, he stopped in between a gate with a yellow voice recognition box and an open passageway. "Freddy? What's wrong?" I asked as I held the band-aid in my right hand, "I feel you are broken, Gregory." I knew what he meant, "Don't worry about me, Freddy, It's nothing serious." I said as I tried to put the band-aid back on, but Freddy wasn't buying it, "No. I feel that something is wrong. I am taking you to the first aid station."

"There's no time, Freddy! I'm ok!" I protested, but that wasn't enough to stop Freddy from running through the passageway and stopping at the first aid station. Freddy pulled back the curtain in front of the first aid station before taking me out of his chest cavity and gently placing me on the bench.

"Gregory, you have a scratch on your cheek." Freddy said in concern, "I know, but I'm telling you, I'm fine, Freddy!" I responded, "It would be irresponsible for me to let you leave the Mega Pizzaplex with untreated injuries." Freddy said back. At this point, I knew I wouldn't get anywhere by arguing with Freddy, so I reluctantly let Freddy patch me up, "Ok." I huffed.

After disinfecting the wound and putting a new band-aid on my cheek, Freddy threw out the old band-aid and smiled, "Much better." He said in a relieved tone. "However, I am curious as to how you got scratched, Gregory." I looked at Freddy before responding, "I was scratched by a cat." A few days ago, when I was dumpster diving for food, I crossed paths with a black cat and received a scratch on my right cheek as I tried to grab a half-eaten hot dog.

"A cat? Why did-" Before Freddy could finish that question, he and I heard footsteps coming closer to the first aid station, Freddy held a finger to his mouth gesturing me to be quiet, I nodded in agreement and hid underneath the bench after Freddy drew the curtain over the first aid station.

Freddy walked towards the growing sound of footsteps, he stopped when a bright light was shone on his face, standing at the exit to the passageway was Vanessa. "Freddy! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be on lockdown." "Officer Vanessa, I-I do not know how I got here." Freddy said in a confused tone.

I cupped my hands over my mouth as I held my breath in, I wanted to look behind the curtain to see what was happening, but I feared Vanessa would get me in trouble if I did. I sat perfectly still, silently hoping Vanessa wouldn't find me. "Well, you totally blew it tonight, you know. Your system crashed and the show had to be stopped. Now, Parts and Service have you on reduced power. They said it's a safety precaution. Just one more thing to deal with." Vanessa said as she held her free hand to her forehead.

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach: The NovelizationWhere stories live. Discover now