Welcome Aboard

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Foxy was not expecting to see a person in the Fox Den, he was even more surprised when he realized that a child had found his way in here. Foxy ran a quick scan of me to see who I was and if I was seriously injured, he wasn't too thrilled with the results. I didn't break any bones from the fall, but my ankles were sprained and were starting to swell. "Shiver me timbers! I can't see yer guest profile. Who might ye be, lad?" I was slowly lifting myself off the ground with my hands as I made eye contact with Foxy, "M-My name is... Gregory."

I tried to stand on my feet, but I imminently collapsed and was caught by Foxy, "Arr, easy there matey. Yer hurt badly, I'll bring ye to a first aid station to treat yer jelly legs." I wouldn't be able to climb into Foxy's chest cavity due to my injuries. However, Foxy knew how to carry me another way, he bent down to the floor with his back facing me, "Climb aboard, lad." I placed my hands on his shoulders, Foxy slowly got up making sure to be careful with me on his back, "Thank you for saving me." I said, Foxy smiled and turned his head, "Yer welcome, Gregory. Ye can call me Foxy." "Time to weigh anchor." He said as he started walking to the exit.

Foxy wanted to pass the time by talking to me, he had a few questions to ask me and it could also help take my mind off the pain. "If ye don't mind, matey, could ye answer a few questions fer an old seadog?" I spent some time learning about phrases and words that pirates used with Johnny, so I have some understanding of what Foxy is saying. "Ok sure, what is it you want to know?" "How in the seven seas did ye manage to get inside ere? Kid's Cove is locked up tighter than me treasure." Foxy said, "Well, I found the missing golden plushies with help from my friends, but that's not all." I replied.

This was enough to pique Foxy's curiosity, "What do ye mean by that, lad?" I cleared my throat and gave Foxy his answer, "I'm trapped inside the Pizzaplex until the doors reopen on Friday, I fell asleep while hiding from security. I tried to get out through the front door, but I was too late, so I tried to find another way to escape, but that didn't work either. Freddy and Vanessa have been helping me try to get out and I've been helping Chica and Monty return to normal."

This took Foxy by surprise "Freddy Fazbear, Officer Vanessa, and his friends? What do ye mean by back to normal?" "Yes, Freddy and Vanessa have been helping me try to get out. Chica and Monty were under the control of some kind of virus that Ness wrote about and I helped them by putting the software chips she made into them. I know about Ness because I met her before." I replied, this was more shocking news for Foxy to process, he was glad to know that Ness made more software chips, but last time they spoke, the Security and Programming Prodigy was still making them. "I see. How is she by the way? I haven't seen the lass for a while now." I felt a sense of dread in my stomach, I wasn't sure how Foxy was going to take the news about Ness' status, "Ness... Had disappeared."

Foxy stopped dead in his tracks after hearing those words leave my mouth. "Have you heard about the Fazbear Freak, Foxy?" I asked, Foxy does recall Ness mentioning it a few times when they spoke, "Aye. I remember her telling me about that. Is she..." I quickly reassured him before Foxy could jump to any conclusion, "No! No! She's not dead. She's just went missing." Foxy let out a sigh of relief after hearing that, it was good to know that Ness was still alive, but he was still a little sad knowing that the woman who kept him company had disappeared. The silence was broken when Freddy's voice rang through my Faz-Watch, "Gregory? Can you hear me?" "I'm here, Freddy. I found Foxy, but my ankles hurt." I replied, this revelation made Freddy grow more worried than he already was, "What happened, Gregory?!"

I could already picture the look on Freddy's face when he learns what happened, but there was no use in delaying the inevitable, "I was being chased by the mini Music Man and fell from the air vents. I landed on my feet hard, but Foxy saved me from the mini Music Man." "Aye, the lad be telling the truth." Foxy said joining the conversation, "I'm bringing him to a first aid station as we speak, Freddy." This was enough to put some of Freddy's concerns at ease, "Thank you, Foxy. Please keep Gregory safe." "Arrgh. Don't shake in yer boots, Freddy. I'll make sure Gregory does not get fed to the fishes." Foxy replied.

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach: The NovelizationWhere stories live. Discover now