Bark And Bite

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Freddy and I continued walking to the Main Stage. Bonnie was still fresh in my mind, so I turned to Freddy and spoke up. "Hey, Freddy, there's something I want to ask you." Freddy turned his head and looked at me, "What is it, Gregory?" I cleared my throat before speaking again, "Can you tell me about Bonnie?" Freddy stopped moving when he heard the question, memories of him started coming back to Freddy's memory banks.

"Yes... I can tell you things about Bonnie, but if I may ask, how did you know about Bonnie?" I looked at Freddy and responded, "I read a few messages that mentioned his name." Freddy had a feeling that was the reason why I found out about Bonnie's name. He looked at me with his filtered eyes and started walking again while talking about Bonnie. "Bonnie was my best friend, he was the former bass player of the band and the two of us used to perform special shows in Bonnie Bowl." "In one of Ness' messages, she said that Bonnie was acting strange. Is that true, Freddy?"

I asked, Freddy started looking through his memory banks to see if Bonnie wasn't behaving like his usual self. "Hmm... There were a few times where Bonnie was acting unusual, but after a maintenance check with Ness, he was back to his old self. At least until he disappeared." I knew something happened to Bonnie according to the messages I read, but they never said what it was specifically. "What happened to him?"

A frown appeared on Freddy's face when he heard the question. "Well... Bonnie was last seen entering Monty Golf before he disappeared. The security footage was unable to see what happened, but Monty was seen in the area. Bonnie's disappearance caused many people to believe that Monty decommissioned him while others believe he didn't. Ness believed Monty was not the one who made Bonnie disappear."

'So Monty was dragged into the situation.' I thought. Considering Monty's anger issues and him becoming the new bass player in Bonnie's absence, it wouldn't be hard for people to believe that Monty attacked Bonnie out of jealousy. But without any solid evidence to back that up, its just pure speculation. I wanted to know if Freddy thought Monty was the culprit or not. "Do you think Monty decommissioned Bonnie, Freddy?" Freddy knew Monty was jealous of Bonnie, but he wouldn't do anything drastic to him and Monty was his friend, Freddy didn't want to doubt him. "No. I do not think Monty is responsible for what happened to Bonnie."

I then decided to ask Vanessa if she knew about Bonnie too, so I messaged her through my Faz-Watch and spoke up. "Hey, Vanessa. Can I ask you something?" Vanessa rose from her chair in a hurry.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked.

"You know about Bonnie too, right?" I asked. Vanessa became surprised when I asked that question and she started having memories of him, but managed to shake that off before answering my question.

"Yeah... But how do you know about Bonnie?" I looked at my Faz-Watch and responded, "I read a few messages that mentioned his name and one of Ness' messages said he was acting strange. Do you know things about him and if you remembered him acting unusual?" Vanessa had a good idea of how I found out about Bonnie, she managed to put that idea aside before speaking up again.

"Okay... Bonnie was one of Freddy's best friends, he was the former bass player of the band and the two of them used to perform special shows in Bonnie Bowl. And yes, Bonnie was acting strange before going back to his normal self until he disappeared." I knew Vanessa knew about Bonnie too, but I wanted to figure if she remembered what happened to Bonnie. "Do you remember what happened to him?"

Vanessa frowned when I asked that question. "Yeah... I last saw Bonnie enter Monty Golf before he disappeared. I was unable to see what happened to him through the security footage, but I did see Monty in the area. Bonnie disappearing has lead to a lot of guests here believing Monty attacked Bonnie out of jealousy while others believed he didn't."

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach: The NovelizationWhere stories live. Discover now