Water Works

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My stomach was still growling loudly and I tried my hardest to ignore it, Foxy was on his way to a nearby snack bar to find something for me to eat

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My stomach was still growling loudly and I tried my hardest to ignore it, Foxy was on his way to a nearby snack bar to find something for me to eat. Two Security Bots were in his way, but Foxy knew how to get past them. I tightened my grip as Foxy ran left, jumped onto a fake rock, and grabbed onto a fishing net above him. He swung across the net like a child climbing on monkey bars and made it past the Security Bots, he looked up and saw a Snack Bar named "Seaside Sweets" in front of him.

The sign was decorated with multiple seashells and starfish on the outside and pictures of crashing waves were below the words, Foxy looked around to see if any more Security bots were coming, but didn't see anymore. There were several tables and chairs near the snack bar. He thought about having me wait outside while he goes in and looked around for food, but he didn't want to leave me by myself, so he brought me with him. He can put any food he finds in his chest cavity for me. Foxy and I entered the Snack Bar and started looking around the small kitchen.

Foxy found a small soda can sitting on the counter, he looked at it and laughed, "Yahahar!" I was curious about what Foxy was holding and took a peak. It was a Fizzy-Faz can that had an image of Foxy on it, Foxy opened his chest cavity and placed the beverage inside. I found several crackers and handed them to Foxy to hold, he opened a mini freezer, but didn't find much other than a small ice cream bar, he placed it inside his cheat cavity with the other goodies we found. Hopefully, the ice cream won't melt.

Unable to find any other food, Foxy walked out, placed me on a chair, opened his chest cavity, and placed all the food we found on a table. I looked up and smiled at Foxy, "Thank you, Foxy." Foxy smiled back, "Yer welcome, lad." A loud rumble came from my stomach, causing me to place both hands on it, 'Ok! OK! I hear you!' I said to myself.

I opened up the cracker packets and scarfed them down, Foxy was surprised by my appetite, 'Arrgh, do all kids have large appetites like Gregory?' He didn't know much about kids since I was the first child he saw. I looked at the Fizzy-Faz can and opened it, 'I wonder what flavor this one is?' I thought, I took a small sip and widened my eyes with delight as a strong raspberry flavor flooded my mouth, and quickly gulped down the beverage.

I liked raspberries, I consider them one of my favorite fruits, I always grabbed a few raspberries from the loading docks of supermarkets whenever I could. I unwrapped the ice cream and saw it was in the shape of Foxy with a black eye patch over its left eye and just like the Fizzy-Faz, the ice cream was raspberry flavored too.

When I was finished, I wiped my face with a napkin and then threw out the garbage. With my hunger taken care of, Foxy and I can now focus on taking down the K-9 Unit. "If we're going to get rid of the K-9 Unit, we need to turn the water back on." I said to Foxy, that was easier said than done, I would need to find the water main to get the water flowing again, but I had no idea where that was. Luckily, a certain fox knew every nook and cranny of Kid's Cove.

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