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Word Count: 1581


Keo holds his hand out, something appearing in the palm of it.

I'm not bewildered by that kind of magic, considering Hale wields it at will. I just wish I had it right now so I can summon a way to either get out of here, or enact my revenge on the powerful men in front of me.

I quickly realise, as Keo approaches me, that he's holding a needle, attached to a long tube that disappears somewhere I can't see.

Flinching away as much as possible, horror consumes me.

"I apologise about any pain you feel," Relm says, seeing my reaction to the sight of the needle. He's going to dig it into my skin, and he's going to extract my blood for his own use.

I've known many selfish people in my life, but this is just disturbing.

"Don't waste your breath," I tell him. I'll get my revenge, whether it's now or in the future, because I have to survive this. I can't not return to my mate, who will be looking everywhere for me in Death's realm.

Keo grabs my arm. "This may hurt."

Twisting my head, I train my eyes to the ground, trying not to concentrate on the feeling of Keo sliding the needle into my skin, starting the process of withdrawing my blood.

"Why do you pretend to be kind when you're nothing but a monster?" I ask Relm.

His tone of voice suggests he feels a sense of guilt for having to do this to me. I don't believe that, though, figuring he's doing this as a last chance to manipulate me in case something goes wrong.

"I'm trying to do what is right for everyone. I'm sorry that your life must be sacrificed," he says, his feet shifting, being one of the only things I can see in the shadows that shroud him.

What does he fear in me seeing his face? I hope I can lift that mask.

"What if you're wrong? What if the issue is people like Keo coming in and out of this realm?" I exclaim, searching desperately for an excuse to get out of this. Keo's visit's can't be doing any good for the fabric of this realm, so why isn't it that?

Why do I have to die when no one seems to know for sure what the true cause of these issues are.

"That is unlikely the case. Now lean back and relax," Relm instructs, waving his hand.

Swallowing drily, I look down at the needle stuck in my arm. My blood slowly travels down the tubes, a horrifying sight. I have a limited amount of time before I start to lose focus then eventually pass out. I need to get out of here.

"What about my mate?"

Keo smirks, clearly not entertained by the mention of the term mate. "He has a long time to get over you."

"At least tell him I love him..." I whisper.

If I never see him again...I don't even want to think about such a horrible thought. We haven't even got a chance to truly be with each other knowing we are mates. This isn't fair.

Relm clears his throat. "I'm going to stand outside."

From the corner of my vision, I see him stand, still immersed in shadows, before he strides from the room. I blink, confused. Is this part of his act, or is he genuinely affected by what is happening to me?

I look up at Keo, who stands back, watching the process. "Do you get pleasure out of this?"

"Watching you bleed out?" he asks. I nod. "Usually the answer would be yes, but an unnecessary death is never pleasant."

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