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Word Count: 1664


I wish I knew what it was with Pureblood and mountainous ranges.

It appears Sinful is an enjoyer of the quiet too, considering his magnificent manor is perched atop a flat mountain, looking over a few villages dotted about.

Now I'm looking at him, and he's exactly as I pictured.

He's tall and slender, the graceful lines of his face at odds with his amused smile, lavender coloured eyes tracing over me with as much judgment as I inflict on him.

"This isn't a casual visit, I'm afraid." There's a firmness in Hale's tone, setting an immediate boundary.

Sinful ignores him, still looking at me.

"I have a feeling this has something to do with you," he purrs. My throat tightens under his scrutiny. Being so vulnerable to powerful people has become commonplace for me recently, and yet I'm still utterly terrified.

As calmly as possible, I straighten. "I'm Vaela."

"Mortal, huh?" He rests his arm against the doorframe, still grinning.

"Not by choice," I mutter.

"She fell into the spell I made. It was all very unfortunate," Hale explains. Sinful's dark brow quirks upward, even more intrigued. Him knowing the circumstances of my mortality doesn't sit right with me.

He steps back, sweeping his arm out to encompass the foyer space. "Unfortunate indeed. Why don't you come inside, you look cold?"

"You have no idea..."

I'm used to the snow, but the cold I live with is the fault of my unnatural mortality, not the cold. Regardless, I step inside, grateful to find the space is gloriously warm.

"Is this about what happened between you?" Sinful asks, pointing his finger at each of us in then.

I exchange a glance with Hale. "Huh?"

"You slept together, right?" Sinful asks, smirking.

"No...No absoloutely not," I stutter, taking a healthy step away from Hale as if to prove my point. Sinful isn't convinced, continuing to grin.

"I get the feeling that's not true."

"Something happened, but it's none of your business," Hale mutters, knowing his brother isn't going to relent until one of us admits it. I shift uncomfortably, flushing.

Sinful's smile is pure filth, and were he not so blatantly terrifying, I may have stepped forward and slapped him across the face for his audacity.

"And it didn't include sleeping together. Seriously," I mutter lowly.

"So, if not that, what brings about this casual visit?"

I exchange a glance with Hale, wondering whether he or I should say it. It seems anything I could say may be turned against me, or made to sound flirtatious by the devilish Pureblood.

"Due to Vaela's run-in with magic, we have been told she needs to forge a bond with her mate. You seem to have success pointing people in the direction of their mates, so we were wondering if you could help her."

"Please..." I add sheepishly.

Sinful tilts his head, eyes glittering. "How interesting. Well, I'm afraid I don't have a way of thinking such a thing into existence, so I'm not sure how much help I can be, but I'm sure I can figure out something about your mate."

"Really?" I ask hopefully.

He shrugs. "Sure...Why not?"

"Don't steer her in the wrong direction," Hale growls. The two brothers stare each other down for a long moment, the tension in the air thick and ridged.

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