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Word Count: 1843


"Do you have to leave?"

Clinging to Eyla, I rest my head against her shoulder. After a few days, Eyla and Will have to return home for their own commitments, and although they can come back soon, I'm devastated.

Alone again with Hale? The thought haunted me all last night, leaving me restless and without much sleep.

Eyla pats the side of my head. "Trust me, I don't want to."


Pulling myself from Eyla's grasp, I turn to Will. His arms are folded over his chest, and he regards us angrily. It took all of last night to convince him that he doesn't need to stay here, that his other commitments are more important while I'm here, safe.

Safe, he had spluttered, while glaring viciously at Hale.

"You'll be fine, Vae," Eyla says in my ear. "If you need me, get Hale to come and I'll be there."

I smile tightly. "Okay, I will."

Hale hold's my gaze as Eyla grabs his hand. Will still hesitates, until the Pureblood wraps his hand around his arm, and they vanish.

For a moment, I just stare coldly at where they once stood.

Eventually, I get to my feet. Hale hasn't made an immediate return, which I presume is due to Will's incessant need to have the last say.

The cave is deadly silent while empty.

My footsteps are muted by the plush rugs, as I stroll down the hallway, swinging my arms around gleefully. Full use of my limbs has been restored, and I'm tempted to jump about or dance around.

Curiously, I approach a few unopened doors. I find a room full of books, an empty room, and then what must be Hale's room.

There is no definitive evidence he sleeps here, it just seems obvious.

The room is relatively large, and most of the wall space is covered by various paintings, all of the same style.

My gaze drifts to the centre of the room, to Hale's bed.

"Like what you see?"

Flinching, I turn, stumbling away. Hale stands at the doorway, hands seated in his pockets as he looks at me curiously.

"You scared me," I whisper breathlessly, resting my hand over my chest, feeling my thundering heartbeat beneath.

Hale's gaze sweeps over me. "You must be feeling better, considering all the exploring."

Admittedly, I'm feeling far better. There is more strength in my limbs, and the cold has eased off a bit, although still looms, a constant reminder of my mortality. Hale must be right about his assumption with the mountain.

"I am, actually." I fidget with the edge of my sleeve, wondering if there is any merit to crawling under his bed and hoping he forgets about me. "I didn't mean to go into your room...the door was open and..."

He raises a brow. "And?"

"And I'm curious," I admit sheepishly. My cheeks heat, Hale's gaze dipping to make note of it.

"Other than a bed and a few furnishings, it's not all that interesting," he muses, motioning around. I turn to look again, and he's mostly right. It's eerily similar to the room I've taken up. There isn't much evidence of him anywhere in this place.

I laugh uncomfortably. "Do you even need to sleep?"

"No, but what else is there to do?" He shrugs. "Thankfully the bed serves other purposes."

The Immortal Prince ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن