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Word Count: 2901

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Days turned into weeks.

Hale brought Eyla up as often as he could, but I'm restless. The blizzard hasn't settled, whipping violently around the mountain.

I'm on the brink of toppling into insanity. Hale and I have established a quiet routine, not having strayed from it for a single day. We don't speak about much, keeping to ourselves most of the time.

Tonight, I feel like causing trouble.

I thought I would sleep early, but after an hour of glaring at the ceiling, I clamber out of bed, stalking toward where I know Hale will still be reading.

Sure enough, he's in the book room under a dim lap, eyes skimming the page while his finger mindlessly runs over the edge of the paper.

I clear my throat. "Do you think I'm fuckable?"

Startled, he looks up, gaze pinning me in place. I don't flinch away, remaining where I linger in the doorway.

"Woah...where is this coming from?" he murmurs.

I don't know. Boredom, wanting to push a reaction out of him.

"When my mate finds me, do you think he's going to want to have sex with me right away, or will I have to seduce him?" I lean against the doorframe, watching Hale with as much intensity as he watches me.

He exhales slowly through his nose. "To save your life, your mate will do anything."

I roll my eyes, sighing dramatically. He doesn't get the point.

"Not helping my self-esteem right now."

Hale sets his book to the side, now completely engaged in this conversation. "Honestly, Vaela, you have absolutely nothing to worry about in that area. You are very attractive."

I want to hear him say if. I'm not sure why, but this isolation has led me to delve deep into thoughts about Hale that I shouldn't be having. And consequently, I need to know if I'm alone in this, or whether Hale feels it too.

Whether I act on it or not is an entirely different story.

"Would you...If I were your mate, I mean?" My unbridled confidence isn't going to last, so I force out as many of my queries before I can go back to my room and sulk for the rest of the night.

He tilts his head, dark hair brushing down his forehead. "If you were my mate, then of course."

I sigh through my nose. "Okay, even if I weren't?"

Hale frowns ever-so-slightly. He's confused by the manner of conversation we are having, but he's still entertaining it.

Honestly I expected him to shoo me away and tell me to occupy myself elsewhere.

"Vaela, you do not need validation from me. I know you are aware of how stunning you are. Are you are a very smart woman, among other incredible qualities, which I can list right now if you need reminding," he offers, quirking a brow.

"That's not with this is about." I'm frustrated that he isn't playing this dangerous game with me. "Just answer the question."

He sighs, tipping his head back.

After a long moment of silence, he swiftly gets to his feet, the movement effortlessly graceful. I stay ridged in my stance, refusing to cower even as he approaches me with purposeful steps.

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