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Word Count: 1614


Will and Eyla walk apprehensively behind us, fumbling through the shadows toward the entrance to Hale's home.

"Boyfriend?" Amusement is laced tauntingly in Hale's voice as he walks closely in front of me.

"I know you heard..." I mutter under my breath. "Ex."

"Interesting." There are endless alternative meanings laced in his tone that I'm not going to begin unpacking.

I glare at his back. "Shh..."

We emerge into the main area, my feet leading me to the fireplace. Eyla and Will collectively gasp upon entry, taking in the space. I imagine they considered a far more nefarious spaces for a Pureblood to live in.

Still, both of them edge away from Hale, coming to stand around me by the fire.

"Thank you, Hale, for looking after Vaela," Eyla mutters timidly, lowering her gaze, intimidated by his presence alone. I wonder whether she still wants to marry a Pureblood after seeing him? As attractive as he is, it's obvious she thinks he's moments away from murdering her.

"She made it very clear that it was my fault that she accidentally fell into a mortal pool." Hale looks toward me, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

I smile. "Don't worry about it."

Eyla looks between us, reading the situation with her disturbingly keen eye. "Inside jokes already."

I turn away, hiding my mouth behind my hand. Joking with Hale is the only thing lightening my mood right now, considering both Will and Eyla are still trying to wrap their heads around my mortality. I can't blame them, watching them both watching Hale as if he's about to strike.

"Like I said, we should be leaving now," Will grumbles, sidling up next to me like he's staking a claim.

Hale rests against the far wall, hands seated in his pockets. "Still unsure what your plan is once you make it back down to the immortal realm with Vaela."

"I'm sure I'll be fine. It's not like I can stay here forever," I find myself saying.

Forever is a long time. Maybe not to a mortal, but to a Pureblood, that's infinite. Forever for me may just be a few more moments, or perhaps fifty more years. I can't gamble on Hale not tiring of me in that time.

"And you would rather stay locked in your home with no hope of ever escaping until something eventually kills you?" He questions, angling his head.

I cross my arms over my chest. "What do you suggest I do instead?"

"Stay here, until we find a way to safely bring you back to immortality." He says it so calmly, it's almost sweet. It must translate to the rest of the room, because I feel Will tense, grip on me tightening.

"Not happening," Will grits out.

"What about us? We are her friends," Eyla notes.

"I think surviving trumps friendships," Hale responds.

"You seriously want me to stay with you?" Does he expect to get something out of me? He hasn't made any blatant attempts to seduce me, so surely that's not it. Are Purebloods even capable of caring about others? What about Sins, specifically?

"I'm curious about how all of this will turn out." He shrugs, like it means nothing. My eyes narrow suspiciously.

"We will find her a Gaze Reader," Will mutters.

He winds his fingers through mine, a possessive act for Hale to see. I'm not sure what Will thinks is going to come from this. Even if he's trying to protect me, I hope he doesn't presume that I'm going to get back together with him after all of this.

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