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Word Count: 1818


Hale drinks in the scene in front of him, expression muddled with confusion.

"What the hell is going on?" He demands, looking between Trace and I.

Trace now cowers against the far wall, mortified. He thought I was hallucinating after the hit I took to the head, and now he's looking at a Sin.

"You're the Pureblood Vaela talked about." His voice shakes as he speaks.

"And who are you?" Hale demands.

Trace swallows, pushing away from the wall as Hale strides in, slamming the door closed behind him. He's realising how weak he is compared to the Sun, so he may as well own his fear.

"I'm Trace. I'm her boyfriend." I grimace. Trace is setting himself up to face what he inflicted upon me all those years ago.

Hale blinks, coming to terms with who he is looking at.

"You're the one who murdered her," he says softly.

His tone is deceptive. I can feel the anger rolling off him, so palpable it hurts me, and I'm thoroughly enjoying this exchange already, even if I've fought against all these weeks.

"I...It's not what you think," Trace says carefully, glancing at me.

Hale steps toward him, hands seated in his pockets. "Oh yeah? And what should I think, Trace?"

It's hard to find this amusing as I'm bleeding out on the floor, Hale clearly not having noticed the extent of it yet.

But just having him in the room has dissolved some of the pain, keeping me from falling into unconsciousness.

"I love her." Trace's whisper makes me shudder. This isn't good.

"What a shame. She's my mate," Hale mutters, drawing his hands from his pockets. Trace's gaze remains pinned to them, waiting for him to make the first move.


"And I've spent far too long thinking about what I would do to you the moment I saw you." There's a taunting smile on Hale's face, but it's hardly because he's happy.

Although I don't doubt he will enjoy this...

"I like to consider myself a reasonable man, but when it comes to Vaela, I couldn't be more unreasonable." He looks at me, and I smile weakly, feeling my face pale.

Trace's back is pressed so tightly against the wall, I wouldn't be surprised if he falls straight through it.

"Please don't hurt me..." He begs.

"I've held myself back long enough. Now I'm to kill you," he breathes.


Any words of protest stop short in my throat as Hale raises his hand, and without even touching Trace, sends him hurtling across the room, his entire body slamming against the far wall.

The sound is sickening, as Trace slides to the floor, whimpering as the Pureblood advances on him again.

"Perhaps I would have mercy on you, in another situation. Mortals take lives with no consequences, I should not be surprised. But unfortunately, you happened to kill the one person you should never have touched."

Hale reaches down, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

"I didn't know she was your mate." Were i anyone else's my mate, he would have killed them.

He now knows how impossible that is.

Hale smirks down at him, a terrifying air about him that even has my stomach turning. "Now you do."

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