He Left

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-"It's okay Pascal, he'll be back" I assured Pascal, although it seemed more like an assurance for me rather than him.

-Over With Flynn-


-"Ah! There you are!" Flynn told the two brother's he had seen earlier, who had interrupted Y/n and him.

-"I've been searching everywhere for you guys since we got separated" he admitted, although it seemed more like a lie than truth.

-"The sideburns are coming in nice, huh?" he complimented.

-"Got to be excited about that"

-"Anyhow, I just wanted to say I shouldn't have split"

-"The crown is all yours" he tossed the satchel over to them.

-"I'll miss you, but I think it's for the bes-" he bumped into one of the brother's.

-"Holding out on us again, eh, Rider?" the other brother asked.


-"We heard you found something, something much more valuable than a crown" the other brother said, standing up and kicking the crown and satchel to the side.

-"We want her instead," they told him.

-Back to Y/n and Pascal-


Pascal and I had gotten out of the boat and stood by it just playing around with small rocks and pebbles. I got up once I noticed a silhouette in the deep layer of fog.

-"I was starting to think you ran off with the crown and left me" I chuckled out.

My smiling expression began to falter as that one silhouette who I thought was Eugene turned into two. Two men who were much taller and stronger than I was.

-"He did," one said.

-"What? No! He wouldn't..." I told them.

-"See for yourself" a smile grew on their faces as they pointed towards the water.

-"Eugene?" I mumbled as I looked at the water, where a boat was steering away.

-"Eugene!" I called out but received no answer, but the still sound of the moving water.

-"A fair trade"

-"A crown for the girl with magic hair" one stated.

-"How much do you think someone would pay to stay young and healthy forever?" the other asked.

-"No, please, no!" I begged them as I ran away, trying not to trip on the rocks and pebbles found on the ground. My hair got caught on a branch as I pulled it to try to get out. I heard some muffled yell's and groans in pain.


-"Mother?" I loosened my hair from the branch and walked towards her.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry it's a bit late!


Tangled (Flynn Rider x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora