...it's a bunny

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-"Oh, come on! What is it going to take to get back my satchel?!" I pointed my pan at him threateningly.

-"I will use this," I warned but turned my attention to a bush as it began to make sounds.

-"Is it ruffians?! Thugs?! Have they come for me?!" I gasped in fear, clinging onto his back, terrified of what was in the bush.

-"Stay calm, it can probably smell fear" he stated bluntly after a bunny had hopped out of the bush.

-"Ohh!" I chuckled and slid off, patting his shoulder.


-"Guess I'm just a little bit jumpy today!" I sighed in relief that it wasn't some ruffian in there or something.

-"Probably be best if we avoided ruffians and thugs, though" he suggested.

-"Yeah...that would probably be best"

-"Are you hungry? I know a great place for lunch!" he seems a little too excited about going to this place.

-"Where?" I asked, looking around, there were only tall trees and bushes.

-"Oh, don't you worry! You'll know it when you smell it!" he grabbed the pan I was holding and pulled me along with it.

-A Kind Of Long Walk Later-

-"I know it's around here somewhere" Flynn had looked more confused than sure of where he was going.

-"You said that already, and the only place we got to was a dead end!" he shrugged to my complain.

-"Ah! There it is! The Snuggly Duckling"

-"Don't worry, very quaint place, perfect for you" I nodded looking around, the place was tilted sideways and a sign(which had its name and a little duck painted on it) made it, in fact, seem quaint.

-"Don't want you to be scared, and giving up on this whole endeavor now, do we?"

-"You sure there's nothing in there?" I asked, looking at him skeptically.

-"There's nothing there...why?"

-"You seemed very set on me going back to the tower earlier, and getting your satchel back..."

-"No, no, there's nothing there, either way we had a deal, remember?" I nodded, smiling a bit.

-"Okay, now let's go!" we walked to the door, and he slammed it open.

-"Garcon, your finest table, please!" I gasped in fear and trembled a bit, looking at the inside.

It was the most terrifying thing I had ever seen, which I guess wasn't saying much since there weren't many scary things in the tower. The place was full of men holding weapons and rats and the dimmed lights made it seem much worse.

-"You smell that? Take a deep breath through the nose" Flynn held my shoulders as I walked forward holding my pan up so tightly.

-"Really let that seep in. What are you getting?"

-"To me, it's part man-smell and the other part is really bad man-smell"

-"I don't know why, but it overall smells like the color brown"

-"Your thoughts?" he asked. I wanted to smack him, those were my thoughts.


Sorry for the bit of a late chapter, got a bit busy!

Also I won't be able to post on Saturday or Sunday, we are going away for my mom's mother's day gift and there won't be electronics on the trip (courtesy of my step-dad)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you on Monday!


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