I've Got A Dream Part 2

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-"Though my face leaves people screaming" someone spit out their drink.

-"There's a child behind it dreaming" he continued singing.

-"Like everybody else, I've got a dream" he wrapped around an arm on my shoulder and on the other man that had spit out his drink.

-"Thor would like to be a florist" another man, Thor, arranged a set of plants, flowers, skulls and...rats.

-"Gunther does interior design" Gunther fixed a painting he had hung up.

-"Ulf is into mime"

-"Attila's cupcakes are sublime" I ate a few of the chocolate, strawberry frosted cupcakes.

-"Bruiser knits"

-"Killer sews"

-"Fang does little puppet shows"

-"And Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns" Vladimir made his little unicorns kiss, which made a little clink sound.

-"What about you?" they stopped singing and asked Flynn.

-"I'm sorry, me?"

-"What's your dream?" they put him down, waiting for his response.

-"No, no, no, sorry boys"

-"I don't sing" they didn't take that so well, they pointed a bunch of knives and swords at him.

-"I have dreams like you, no really" Flynn was up on the stage singing, I laughed a bit.

-"Just much less, touchy feeling"

-"They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny"

-"On an island that I own"

-"Tanned and rested and alone"

-"Surrounded by enormous piles of money"

-"I've got a dream!" it was my turn to sing now.

-"She's got a dream" the others sang and cheered along.

-"I've got a dream"

-"She's got a dream"

-"I just want to see the floating lanterns gleam"

-"And with every passing hour, I'm so glad I left my tower"

-"Like all you lovely folks, I've got a dream!"

-"She's got a dream!" the other's sang.

-"He's got a dream!"

-"They've got a dream!"

-"We've got a dream!"

-"So our differences ain't really that extreme"

-"We're one big team!"

-"Call us brutal"



-"And grotesquely optimistic"

-"'Cause way down deep inside we've got a dream"

-"I've got a dream"

-"I've got a dream"

-"I've got a dream"

-"I've got a dream!" I sang happily.

-"Yes, way down deep inside I've got a dream" we all cheered at the ending of the song.


My sister's birthday was yesterday, I couldn't update since we had guests over and a few sleepovers.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Tangled (Flynn Rider x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt