The Satchel

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Flynn Rider and the Stabington brothers continued running through the forest, hoping to lose the royal guards that had begun to follow them. After taking a few hidden turns, they were given a quick break to catch their breaths. Flynn, leaned against a tree, and noticed two 'WANTED' posters.

-"Oh, no"

-"No, no, no, no, no"

-"This is bad"

-"This is very, very bad" he exclaimed, clutching the 'WANTED' poster in his hands.

-"This is really bad...they just can't get my nose right" he showed the brothers the poster that showed his nose, different from his own.

-"Who cares," one said, glaring at him.

-"Well, it's easy for you to say, you guys look amazing" he looked over at the other poster, but they continued to run when they heard the horses neighing.

Flynn tucked the poster into his satchel and ran with the two brothers until they came up to a dead end. A tall 'wall' made of stone stopped them from going any further.

-"All right...okay...give me a boost and I'll pull you up" Flynn offered, while the brother's looked at him skeptically.

-"Give us the satchel first" they told him after giving each other a few looks.

-"I just...I can't believe after all we've been together, you don't trust me?" the brother's stayed quiet, giving him a bland expression.

-"Ouch" he mumbled and handed the stachel over.

-Time Skip to finally reaching the Top-

-"Now help us up, pretty boy" one brother told Flynn once they had finished giving him a boost to the top.

-"Sorry, my hands are full" he told them and showed off the satchel he had taken from them.

-"What?" one brother said, searching around his waist to look for the satchel that was now gone.

-"RIDER!" they yelled as he ran away.

After a long run, Flynn finally lost some of the guards. He only had the head guard following him...until he knocked him off his horse and took the opportunity of instead of running, riding it. That is until the horse, who was smarter than he thought, tried to pull the satchel away.

-"No, no!"

-"Stop it! Stop it! Give it to me! Give me that!" after fighting for the satchel they ended up throwing it to a thin tree branch that was on a cliff.

They gave each other a quick glance before fighting their way to it. As they both hung from the thin branch, it broke. They fell down landing a bit roughly on the grass.

Maximus (the horse) and Flynn landed in separate spots. Maximus sniffed the grass around him trying to track down Flynn, who looked around for a hiding spot. He walked backwards and almost fell through a 'wall' of vines full of green leaves. He ran through them as he heard Maximus's neigh's.

Flynn walked through the cave that the 'wall' of leaves had led him through. At the end of it a gasp left his lips, to see the tall tower with the waterfall behind it. With a bit of struggle he climbed to the top. At the top he climbed through the window and slammed the window doors. Sighing in relief, until he was smacked on the head with a pan.


Sorry for the no update yesterday, I didn't have my computer.

Also! I have good news! I finally figured out my ideas and have them set to make The Incredibles 2! 

So, after I'm done with that request I'll be writing either Alice in Wonderland 2 or The Incredibles 2, so let me know which one you want first!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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