Here I Go

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-" can do" he told me as he turned his chair, which I had not noticed had fallen...face forward.

-"Unfortunately, the kingdom and I aren't exactly 'simpatico' at the moment"

-"So, I won't be taking you anywhere" I frowned a bit.

-"Something brought you here, Flynn Rider" I hopped down from the chimney and pulled his chair upwards.

-"Call it what you will, fate...destiny..."

-"A horse" he shrugged.

-"So I have made the decision to trust you" I walked forward a bit.

-"A horrible decision, really," he admitted.

-"But trust me when I tell you this" I pulled the chair closer to me so he'd pay close attention.

-"You can tear this tower apart, brick by brick..."

-"But without my help, you will never find your precious satchel" I warned and he cleared his throat.

-"Let me just get this straight"

-"I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home, and you'll give me back my satchel?"

-"I promise" he gave me a look.

-"And when I promise something..."

-"I never, ever break that promise"

-"Ever" Pascal squeaked in agreement.

-"All right, listen, I didn't want to have to do this..."

-"But you leave me no choice"

-"Here comes the smolder" he made a face, but I just stared back a bit confused.

-"This is kind of an off day for me, this doesn't normally happen" he admitted, the same expression still on his face.

-"Fine! I'll take you to see the floating lanterns"

-"Really?!" I accidentally let go of the chair and he fell face forward once more.


-"You broke my smolder" he gasped.

-After Getting Him Untied to the Chair-

-"Are you coming, blondie?" Flynn had already started to climb down, but I stayed at the top a bit hesitant.

-"Look at the world so close..."

-"I'm halfway to it" I sang as I placed my hair on the hook and held my pan.

-"Look at it all, so big..."

-"Do I even dare?"

-"Look at me, there at last, I just have to do it"

-"Should I?"


-"Here I go!" I slid down, holding my hair like a rope until I reached the bottom. Slowly and hesitantly I stepped down.

-"Just smell the grass, the dirt, just like I dreamed they'd be" I laid on the grass, feeling the small, fresh breeze pass by.

-"Just feel that summer breeze, the way it's calling me" I walked around and stopped as I felt cold water.

-"For, like the first time ever, I'm completely free!" I splashed around the water.

-"I could go running and racing, and dancing and chasing, and leaping and bouncing, hair flying, heart pounding" I ran towards the cave that I assumed led to the outside.

-"And splashing and reeling, and finally feeling..."

-"That's when my life begins!"


I'm really sorry I haven't updated the past few day's, I've been really sick I haven't even gone to school. 

I'm feeling better now, so that means school tomorrow...and a lot of missing work to do.

But! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and forgive me for not updating.


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