Braided Hair

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-"It's amazing!" I told the three as I looked at the huge castle up ahead.

There were banners with sun prints on them and people passing by having their own conversations as they shopped and walked through the markets. Maybe I should have been a bit more careful as I almost got run over by a cart, almost tripped on some ducks walking by and bumped into a lady.

Finally getting out of the way, my hair was tugged on as I tried to continue walking. Eugene helped me gather all my hair up so it wouldn't be stepped on anymore. He whistled at four little red-haired girls who were braiding each other's hair. They rushed towards us pulling me away from Eugene and sitting me down on the ground to start doing my hair.

-"It's so pretty! Thank you!" I told them as I twirled around 'showing off' my braided hair.

We spend some time looking around at different shops and food stands. While we were in line for one, I noticed a mural with a man and woman holding a baby with golden blond hair. But before I gave the mural any further thought people playing instruments walked by distracting me.

I danced to the beautiful melody the musicians were playing. I walked to a little boy and pulled him into the dance, then a man who was laughing. Later on another man, who pulled a line of people along with him. I brought in another lady and soon others joined the dance as we all clapped hands to the beat.

I waved over to Eugene to come dance and he shook his head as a no. But Maximus pushed him into the center, where he was dragged on to dance with the other's.


Eugene bought me one of the flags with the beautiful golden sun embroidered onto it.


I reached for Eugene's hand to dance with him but we were both pulled away by other's to dance with them instead.


After Eugene bought me the flag I joined a group of kids who were drawing. With my hands covered in purple and yellow shades of chalk I had finally finished. I drew a huge sun just like the one on the flag but with more patterns and designs.

-Other Things-

We had bought cupcakes, and ate them as we hid from a group of passing guards. We had also gone to a library where we spent hours reading all the books that looked interesting.


We continued dancing with other people, changing partners on every few turns. I closed my eyes as I twirled letting the music guide my feet to the dance. But opened them when I stopped, holding hands with Eugene in the center. I let go, a bit too quickly and we began to walk away to go see the lanterns. 


Hi, I'm super sorry I didn't update these past days. My parents told me to pack because we were going to a surprise trip. I took my computer, of course, but we went camping! There was no internet it was the worst, so I couldn't post anything!

We just got back, and I'm going to bed but I just wanted to post this before I did, I think you waited long enough.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Bye! (And goodnight)

Tangled (Flynn Rider x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ