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Callum's POV...

Music blared through the speakers of the club Jordan brought us to. Surrounding us was a dream. Alcohol, drugs, money flying everywhere, girls dancing around poles and on tables wearing things that left nothing to the imagination. 

Yet the four of us- me, Jordan, Sinn, and Seth- sat there like idiots, barely entertaining it. Our glasses of whiskey were still full, the stacks of money in the briefcase we brought sitting neatly inside, not a dollar spent. Even our blunts and cocaine were untouched, sitting in the middle of our table and I had no craving for them. 

Jordan's knee bounces up and down, Sinn was zoned out, Seth was on the phone with Axel, and all I could think about was Nia. What was she doing? Was she having fun? What the hell did Kara plan for my girl's bachelorette party? 

From the looks on the faces of these idiots sitting around me, I knew they were thinking the same exact thing about their ladies. They just didn't wanna admit it. They didn't want to be seen as sissies who couldn't stand being away from the girls for even a minute.

Aggravated and running out of patience from how slow the clock seemed to be moving, I finally stood up and flicked my cigarette onto the ground, stepping on it to put it out. "Fuck this. Let's go," I said, pulling out a few hundreds for the girl who was waiting on us. 

"What, where?" Jordan asked. 

"Where do you think?" I dropped the bills on the table, "to see what the fuck my girl is doing." They sighed in relief and followed me out of the club. 


Jordan had their location pulled up on his phone, they were in the deep end of downtown where the crazy shit happened. A couple of blocks away from where they were, people covered the entire street. It was a Saturday, and of course, it was busy as hell.

"Move outta the fuckin' way," Seth yelled from the back seat, getting more impatient by the minute. 

"We gotta walk the rest of the way," Jordan said.

"Hurry up and park so we can fuckin' go then," Seth gritted through his teeth.

"Ooh, daddy wants to see his girl, hurry," Jordan responded. Sinn and I laughed, and Seth smacked him on the back of the head. I pulled onto the side of the road and we all got out, having to walk through drunken idiots whose senses were all over the place. 

"God, it stinks," Sinn complained, dodging the bodies walking passed us. 

Once we finally got to the club they were at, we didn't waste any time barging in and searching every corner for them. When my eyes finally fell on Nia, wearing a sexy little dress that I specifically told her she could not wear out without me, a smile pulled at my lips. 

Bad girl.

Alexis, Jasmine and the other one all sat in front of her, cheering and laughing like idiots and when I finally saw the little bitch ass boy standing over my girl with no shirt on, I laughed. Nia's eyes were blindfolded as she sat there in confusion, waiting in anticipation at what was going to happen.

"Eh," I called for Jordan, Sinn and Seth. They saw the girls and we all made our way over. While the three of them joined their women, I made my way behind the stripper who got within a few inches of touching Nia before I grabbed his wrist and shoved him back. 

"Back the fuck off my girl," I told him, knowing Nia couldn't hear through the loud music. 

"Who the fuck do you think you-" He cut himself off when the tip of my gun touched his stomach. With a gulp, he nodded his head and walked off. I looked over at Kara, who was staring right back at me, a stupid fucking smile on her face. 

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