Chapter 29

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My ass burned as I turned over onto my back, the sunlight from these humongous windows making me squint my eyes from the brightness. Callum's voice filled my ears, immediately making me worried from what I heard.

"No one but my most trusted business partners knows where we live, Rocko, so why the hell has someone been able to get into my own damn office?!" He gritted, "Yeah, I know. Okay, we'll make arrangements to stay here for the time being. Bye, love you too."

My heart pumped faster from what I heard, ignoring the painful soreness on my bottom and sitting up, "What was that about?"

He turned around to look at me and sighed, "You weren't supposed to hear that, go back to sleep."

"No, Callum, tell me what happened," I demanded, "Someone got into the house?"

He nodded, hands brushing through his hair in frustration, "Yesterday Mary was cleaning while we were out for training. When she went into my office, it was fully trashed and the alarm system was hacked into."

My heart dropped, "Mary's okay, right?"

"Yeah, she's staying with Rocko." He assured me, "But we have to stay here for a little while until my men figure out who's doing this."

"Is it tied to that number that texted and called me?"

"Could be, is there anyone who you've pissed off in the past few months?"

I thought for a second, "Besides Alexis, no. There's no one."

"I've kept tabs on her since she left, it's not her." He shook his head.

I crinkle my eyebrows, "Why are you keeping tabs on her?"

He smirked, "Calm down, it's not for the reason you think."

"I can't be too sure about that, can I?" I rolled my eyes.

He ignored the comment and came over to my side of the bed, gently laying me down and placing himself between my legs before gently massaging the bruises on my ass.

"I love you."

"I know." I teased.

He pinched down on the most sensitive part, making me cry out.

"Fuck, I love you too."

He laughed and leaned down to give me a short kiss, "Jordan and I will go get whatever you need from the house, text me where it all is and I'll get it."

I nodded, "I just need Alex's stuff and a few outfits. The hotel has all the toiletries and food we need."

He nodded, "Okay, I love you."

"I love you, too." I yawned, letting myself fall back into the soft covers for some more sleep.

"Nia, no one besides Kara or room service should be able to get on this floor." Callum shouted, "If someone knocks on the door and doesn't say who they are, don't answer it, you understand?"

"Yes, sir," I shouted back, relaxing when I heard the door shut.

Twenty minutes later, I was in the penthouse kitchen and decided to make some lunch for us. Kara was getting ready in her and Jordan's room, talking to me over the phone about nothing when I heard a knock on the door.

I waited and waited, no one yelled out for room service. My breathing quickened and I told Kara to shush and stay in her room.

When I walked over to the door and squinted my eyes to make sure it was locked, I knelt on the ground and quietly shuffled closer before looking underneath to see two big, black shoes standing there waiting.

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