Chapter 24

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The next morning started with a lot of tension. Everyone sat at the table quietly while eating their breakfasts. For once Julian kept his big mouth shut like a good boy while Kai and Jordan made conversation and Sin and Callum did the same.

Kara kept her eyes on Jasmine and I kept mine on Julian, making sure he kept his hands to himself while Kara made sure Jasmine was okay. To me and Kara, it was obvious she wasn't, I found it odd that neither Sin nor Kai could see that.

"How was the party for you last night, Jasmine?" Bella spoke up. "I feel like I didn't see you or Julian at all."

Jasmine put on a fake smile, "Yeah, I went to bed early. Headache."

"Oh, or was it that you and Julian snuck off together? It's like you follow him around like a puppy whenever you get the chance. You're a married woman, time to start acting like it don't you think?"

"Bella." Kai bellowed.

"What? I'm not wrong." She laughed, "It's like I'm surrounded by whores in this house ever since I got here." Her eyes flickered towards me.

"Whores? Who are the whores here?" Kara sarcastically laughed.

"Is it not obvious, Kara? She's sitting right next to you." She leaned back in her seat as if she was proud of her little insult.

I let out an airy chuckle, "I'm a whore?"

She nodded, "You grabbed the first opportunity to take those guys from the mall away from me and got them kicked out. All you've done is throw yourself at any dick possible since I've been here."

When Kara went to speak, I put my hand on her arm to stop her. I'm not letting her fight my battles for me anymore.

"Let me make something very clear to you, Bella." I stood up, resting my palms on the table, "Even if I were a whore and threw myself around for some dick, that wouldn't give you any right to judge me seeing as how you do the same, which I have no problem with because I frankly don't give two shits what you do with your body or life. Now don't worry about me because I'll do whatever the fuck I want to, you understand me?"

Her eyes went wide as she stuttered over her words, trying to find a response.

I smiled, "I'm glad we're understanding each other. Now if you have anything else to say, go ahead and say it to the ground outside because I won't hesitate to throw your ass out of this house if my name finds its way into your mouth again."

Then I turned to Kai, "Get your sister on a damn leash before she gets put down."

After politely excusing myself, I made my way to Callum's bedroom. I was tired of people finding dumb excuses to attack me, I'm a young woman who deserves more respect than what people give me and I will no longer put up with anyone disrespecting me and acting as I deserve it because I don't.


I shook the thoughts out of my head and changed into a pair of leggings and a sports bra. Now was a great time to work out and think, let my mind run freely and peacefully while focusing on myself, not what other people think of me.

As I sprinted on the treadmill I thought about how far I've come but how low I've felt with everything that's been going on. Callum has tried, but not hard enough, he isn't showing me how much he wants me and until he does, I'll continue with what I'm doing. Which is whatever I want.

The question I kept asking myself was how did I feel about him? How serious were my feelings and how bad would I like for this relationship to continue? If it doesn't, where will I go? Who do I have to support me other than him? Kara, yes, but I don't want her focusing on anything other than her and Jordan.

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