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hey guys. i just wanted to address something real quick, i'm really sorry if i got u excited about a new chapter but that's not what this is lol i apologize!

i've read every single comment on this book and i'm so happy you all are enjoying it. i don't want to single anyone out because i know you mean well, but joking about death, whether it's in a book or not, isn't right.

i care a lot about this book, when i started it i had no idea how much of an emotional connection i would make with the characters and how i'd be able to relate what they go through and how to react to stuff.

sorry, kinda getting off topic but what i'm trying to say is, even though i know you're all kidding and mean well, please don't joke about Alex dying. i don't know why, i'm usually perfectly fine with any type of dark humour, but people saying Nia should've aborted him in the first place just cause they personally don't like kids, or think that's the best possible choice are making themselves sound cruel. i get it, you're pro-choice, i am too. but i've seen a lot of pro-choice people act more "pro abortion" than they're actually acting pro-choice, as if abortion is the best thing in the world and should be praised upon and that sucks.

i'm not saying getting an abortion is bad, your body your fucking choice i'm all for it. what i'm trying to at is that don't say your pro-choice then go ahead and shame people for making their own choices that don't seem to satisfy you.

i know i sound really sensitive right now and i probably don't even make any sense and am making myself sound stupid as hell but i just wanted u guys to know that sometimes jokes, even though they sound harmless, can actually hurt.

i'm sorry if i somehow hurt anyone saying this, or made u feel singled out, that was not my intention at all. thank you guys, i still love you all and am probably just being dramatic, i just needed to let this off my chest before it gets out of hand, you guys have a right to your own opinion and i'm not going to be the one to dictate that, i'm just saying please think before you speak. i just want everyone to be respectful. love you guys, make sure to eat and drink a lot of water. see you next time, sexy;)

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