Chapter 30

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Nia's POV...

When Kara woke me up last night and told me someone had taken a photo of me asleep and sent it to Callum through my own phone, I couldn't stop that itchy feeling making me look behind and around me every few seconds on our way to the airport.

Someone's watching me, they're always around, they know what's going on every second of every day in our life. Bile rose in my throat at the thought of it when we got into the airplane, making me rush to the bathroom to let it out.

My chest rose and fell in deep heavy breaths throughout the whole plane ride out of panic. I checked every inch inside that damn plane in case someone had snuck on and was planning on doing something in there too.

Toughen up.

I forced myself to calm down and stay still, laying my head in Kara's lap while she brushed my hair back with her fingers, easing me into a stress-filled sleep.

"I know you're in there, Nia. Be a good girl, open the door." I couldn't stop myself from listening to the voice and take a step towards that locked door.

Don't open the door, Nia.

My hand made its way to the lock and twisted it open before backing away by a couple of inches. The sound of their hand twisting the knob open filled my ears, making my heart bang against my chest.

My vision got blurry as their body came inside the room.

"Be a good girl."

"Good girl, Nia." His sickening voice that held some type of control over me made me heed to his words, his presence bringing my mind at ease with his comfort.

"Good girl."

I shot up from Kara's lap, my chest heaving up and down from what felt like a weight crushing down on it.

"Kara," I whimpered. She shushed me and brought me into her chest, talking to me about random things so my mind would be taken off of it.

My body lost some of its tension, feeling more at ease when I walked into Callum's arms. He held me with a firm grip while telling me I was okay now.

How much longer was I going to be 'okay' for? When were these people going to just come to get me and have their way with me so I didn't have to keep anticipating each and every second of my day?

The next two hours passed by like a minute. We were sitting in the hotel room Callum booked, all four of us talking about what had happened and why this is happening.

"When I left our hotel room, there was no security standing outside," Kara told Callum and Jordan, who looked at her in shock.

"What the fuck?" Jordan's voice was filled with utter confusion.

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