Chapter 74

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I thought I'd be able to fit what I wanted within 80 chapters, but it may be longer than that if you guys don't mind.



We found enough ingredients to muster up a decent dinner for tonight. Tomorrow, the girls would go grocery shopping for the real dinner on Christmas night.

"I can make the mac and cheese, salad and mashed potatoes," Jasmine suggested.

"I'll do the turkey and stuffing," Kara said.

"And I'll do dessert, I shrugged, "everything else, we'll figure out as we go."

Suddenly, Jasmine gasped in excitement and jumped off of the countertop, "let's make virgin cocktails!" she pulled out her phone and showed us her camera roll where she had saved many recipes, "I was looking for some in the car on the way here so we can cook for the guys but have fun as well."

"Hey," A voice appeared behind her. She turned around, revealing Alexis who stood at the doorway of the kitchen, her arms crossed over her chest and she stared at us.

Kara pulled Jasmine behind her and stepped forward, "I know you didn't think you could come in here without getting your ass beat."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm not here to cause any trouble, Kara. I was just wondering if you guys needed any help." She didn't have that same look in her eyes as she always did. It didn't seem like she wanted to start anything, maybe she does just want to help.

"Even if we did need any help, trust me, you would be the last person in the world that I would ask," Kara seethed in her face, "now get the hell out of my sight before I send you back to your father with a bullet in your fucking skull."

Alexis stood there in silence as they stared each other down. She clenched her jaw before looking back at me, waiting, then nodded when I didn't say anything, "alright, fine." She put her hands up in surrender and backed away before finally walking out.

I felt bad. I don't know why, but I did.

Kara turned around and saw the look on my face, "babe, let me stop you right there before you try explaining to me why I shouldn't have been so rude. She deserves it, she will always deserve it and it's way too late to make amends now. Do not speak to her, do not look at her and do not give her the time of day if she approaches you while your alone. Alright?"

I nodded, "Okay."

Then she switched her gaze over to Jasmine, "Yes?"

"Yes," Jasmine nodded as well.

"Good, let's cook, the food's not gonna make itself," she clapped and we got started.

"Callum?" I muttered, awkwardly standing at the door of the living room where he was sitting, along with the rest of the men, Axel and Alexis, including William. I avoided eye contact with everybody else when he turned his head and stood up.

"Hey, baby," he kissed my head when he reached my side.

"The food's on the table. Do you want to eat with everybody or go to our room?" I asked him, not knowing whether he was comfortable with eating at that table with William or not.

"No, we can eat with them, it's okay," he assured me, "he hasn't spoken a word to me or even looked at me since Jordan jabbed him in the nose. I'm sure we'll be okay for the weekend."

"Okay, um, can you call everybody?" I pleaded, "I feel awkward."

He chuckled, "yeah, go to the table and save a seat for me beside you."

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