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027. garp's fleet

"You little rascal, you could not even be bothered to greet your grandpa?!" Garp was in the midst of blowing Kai's ear out.

In the present situation, Kai was unfortunate enough to be forced to come along the old geezer who could not be bothered with hearing his reasons of not wanting to visit Water 7 with him.

Simply put, Kai didn't want to meet Luffy. But his grandpa was still doing exactly that.

"Nonsense, he's your brother. Brothers should cherish each other!" Garp exclaimed, sitting back in relax as it will have to take another hour to reach the port of Water 7.

Jumping off the ledge was certainly tempting today, Kai noted.

"And what are you doing in Enies Lobby anyway? Was it not to meet your brother?" Garp pointed out. "See? I'm making the job easier for you." He grinned to himself.

This fool. . . Kai wanted nothing more than to sink the ship.

But considering the circumstances more carefully, maybe it wasn't so bad after all. While he originally intended to let the crew grow more on itself, maybe this would be a valid way of forcing them to strive faster.

After all, he could not wait forever.

He would think of letting them develop as a clever way of investing. By letting them make their name bigger, it would only mean for him to catch a bigger fish.

Along the way, Luffy was sure to gather more people of a similar league, and then Kai wouldn't need to be bothered anymore. It was an all in one strike.

A win situation solely for him.

"Are you not planning to capture them?" Kai arched a brow. "They are pirates regardless of their origin."

He highly doubts Garp would stop his own family. He was a family-above-all kind of person, a really pitiful one.

Kai can never understand their sentiment. Other than sharing the same blood, what is there to mention? Attachment and empathy is a weakness, it will only hold back potential. That's how he views it.

"I'm looking forward to see how far he'll make it on his own." Garp smiled proudly.

"Should you really be proud for a pirate?"

"Me? Proud for a pirate? Pfft!" Garp laughed it off. "Kai, I certainly did not take you for a comedian."

Kai's eye twitched but he remained composed. He should learn to maintain his patience, after all. He could not always afford snapping at ever word spoken.

Meanwhile, behind the two Vice Admirals are two trainees that Garp picked up along the way. They were in awe to see the infamous prodigy who made it bigger than anyone his age. The notorious, Vice Admiral Kai.

It was hard not to marvel the ground he walks on.

In person, he certainly radiates off a superior presence, one not like any other. At the same time, he was also terrifying. Terrifying for he is known to he unpredictable and ruthless, there has been a rumor going around the he has made several trainees disappear before.

And by disappear, meaning ridden off existence.

"You did not have to bring a fleet to visit your beloved grandson." Kai scoffed, looking at the amount of people in the ship.

If he was in Garp's place, he would have only brought the useful ones.

As Kai's eyes traveled over them, each Marine shrunk down to cower behind the railings as if it would save them. It was only Coby and Helmeppo who remained standing, only because their legs shook too much that they were unable to bend it.

It was not an exaggeration, it was simply out of precaution. Coby hates to admit it but Kai definitely looks like the type who makes trainees disappear, guaranteed to never be seen again.

"Aren't you excited? Kai, you should be jumping up and down like you were as a child!" Garp exclaimed, patting Kai's back. Or attempted to as Kai stepped away far enough to be unreachable from his touch.

His brows visibly furrowed upon hearing the geezer's claim. Him? Jumping up and down? He has never done that even as a child in this world.

"Which child have you mistaken me for?" He retaliated in clear annoyance. "The only way you can get me to jump up and down is if you're the ground I'm jumping on."

"Why you--"

"I see the docks from here." Kai interrupted Garp before he can go and scold him again. "I'll wait on the ship." He announced, leaving no room for objections.

He didn't specify which ship.

He didn't specify which ship

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000000. crew

Luffy and his crew are forced into a predicament.

After having to get over the literal living fact that Luffy was related to possibly the strongest family, they had to flee as well. And the new rough edge? Garp changed his mind and decided that throwing canon balls with his own bare hands is the best way to bid them farewell.

It took everything just to get away from the crazy old man, they even got to test out the new ship's advanced functions.

And as they were all about to breathe a big sigh of relief, it was unfortunately short-lived.

Why? Well, a bigger problem showed up, and this one had a bigger chance to possibly kill them. Not from exhaustion or stress-- but from literal amputation and butchery.

"Uh, Franky?" Usopp was the first to notice the odd figure that casually sat by front railings of the upper deck. "What's that statue for?" He pointed

"Huh? What statue? I didn't put a statue."

Everyone turned to look at where Usopp was pointing and it was not an exaggeration when said that their jaws hit the floorboards and their eyes momentarily popped out of its sockets.

Seated on their railings was perhaps the most dangerous person in Luffy's crazy family. Why? Well, this one was particularly known for his ruthless actions and his lack of sentimentality towards people, even on his own family.

This one surely won't hesitate to put them in their graves if he really wanted to.

Kai noticed that they all finally spotted him after failing to notice his presence out of all the commotion.

"Ah, pardon my intrusion." He spoke with insincerity. "Did you think it was over?"

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