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018. baroque works

To Kai, a human life could only hold as much value if it makes a difference to the world.

So, valuing oneself will never be enough despite weighting it to a certain relevance. No matter how much you try to stand out and make yourself known, the real evaluation of worth will solely depend on your potential, attitude, and contributions.

In spite of that, not everyone is born to have the same valuable fate.

Because sometimes, hard work alone can't beat a genius. Not when they were destined to be great the moment they were born, they are molded to what they are fated for.

For instance, when two people are given axes to break down a bolder, the person representing talent will naturally be skilled— executing certain techniques that makes it a lot more easier. While the other representing hard work would aimlessly try to break down the bolder with no former knowledge nor the body built for it.

In conclusion, despite how far you can get with hard work alone, it will still prove to be incomparable to talent that only works half as much. Because no matter where you go, everyone will still recognize the genius more than the person who worked their ass off to be where they are now.

Just like how a person born to a wealthy family will always be above the food chain compared to the person who worked for their money by undergoing extreme jobs.

A neverending cycle.

And Kai can't say he doesn't care about it, because in fact— he does. He came from the bottom pit of the pecking order, right before the leader of the Yakuza had found him and took him under his wing.

He knows what it was like, to feel like the world was big enough to tramp on you. He worked hard to be recognized, to make the man who took him in proud. He didn't want to disappoint.

And now that he was born again, he could now considered a genius. If he didn't have talent before, he sure does now thanks to experience.

Admittedly, he was rather intellectual in his past life, although not enough to be called a genius, he was still capable of thinking a little above average. But it was different now, and he will maintain the change.

Compared to the people here who lacks the knowledge of science, politics, or how the world rotates and how everything works— he could rise again. Make it better this time. To succeed.

And he will destroy the cycle in the process. He'll make this world equal.

And in order to do that, he had to have enough connections. To be a step ahead of everyone.

He already got that part down.

Landing on a well-known place in the Grand Line, he dusted himself as soon as he morphed back to normal. Looking around, it indeed was a refreshing sight from the overbearing atmosphere back in the headquarters.

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