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004. makino and the pirates

Washing his hands by a lake near the Village, the familiar look of disgust was plastered on Kai's face. Oh how he hated how he had to touch some dirty germ, he hated every second of having to do the dirty work just to get rid of the nobles' peace.

He would very much rather feed them to the wild animals rather than getting his hands polluted.

Drying his hands with a single shake, he put on his white gloves that has been thoroughly washed every day. He could not live without his gloves seeing as touching something he shouldn't would be hard for him to control. His child body could not handle the impact and control of his quirk.

Not yet, at least.

For now, his gloves were his safety.

He stood up, dusting his plain and neat white shirt and his well-made black shorts, a habit of cleanliness that he doesn't mind having.

The only reason why he didn't look like an average commoner was because of his care for his hygiene and appearance, and the reason why his so-called brother looked exactly like a commoner was because he didn't care for anything but having fun.

It made Kai wince in distaste.

What was the point of having fun if you're just going to get dirty? He would rather stay still than be as rash and reckless as his grandfather and brother. Ah, he could never get used to addressing them like that.

They were much too different to be family.

He was above superiority because of his reincarnated self with his knowledge still intact. That was their difference. He was special, they were not.

Walking back to the direction of the Village, he could only sigh to himself. The Village was filled with foolish people who can't get strong by themselves and instead depend on the stronger ones. It was honestly pathetic on how the same cycle was happening.

Kai may be arrogant and overconfident of himself, but it comes with a great cause. Being born with unusual abilities such as to remember everything that happened in his previous life, he was 100% sure that no one else in the world was like him.

And being born like this, it might be for an important reason.

It was an advantage and special case that Kai didn't bother to be humble about, after all, does insisting against the fact that he was different make an essential change? No. Not at all.

He didn't care if he was arrogant. At least he believed in himself and actually has a reason to be arrogant for.

Spotting the young boy with those long ashes and emotionless eyes, the Villager immediately tried blocking the view of the Pirate ship, not wanting to cause trouble.

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