Chapter 27 - Stars

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Alyssa POV:

After the fifth orgasm my legs were shaking. James was literally being so dirty but in the sexiest way, and I was living for it. By the time we finished it was well past midnight, but the music was still blasting from down stairs.

After cleaning myself up in James' bathroom I leave him in there and wander over to his drawers selecting one of his t-shirts and slipping it on, next I pull the comforter off his bed. Wrapping it around my partially naked body, I head out onto the balcony and flop onto my back on the sofa and admire the sparkling crystals scattered across the sky.

I've always been an admirer of the night sky, I love watching the stars and how at different times of the night they're all sprayed differently across the sky. I could get lost in their beauty.

"It's cold out here baby" I hear James as he bends over and kisses my forehead.

How can he be so gentle and then so rough...Not that I'm complaining.

I pull the comforter up signaling that I am in fact warm and wrapped up tightly. He comes around to the side and I sit up to give him space to lay down with me.

Of course he pulls me on top of him so my back is laying against his chest and he kisses the heart behind my ear like always, and we both let our gaze travel over the night sky.

"All the stars will never be enough" I sigh out.

It's a saying I've thought of getting tattooed on myself because of how much I believe it.

"What do you mean?" James whispers, like there isn't a full blown college part going on in the same house.

"Well, I don't think there will ever be enough stars for me. I'll always want to see more, like all those balls of light.." I point my finger up to the sky, "They might not even exist in this moment anymore, we are seeing their light from thousands of years ago, it's just magical and beautiful and fucking cool."

I feel James shift under me and I turn over so I'm laying on my stomach, our faces close enough to touch.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I question him, he has an odd look in his eyes, his eyebrows pressed together like he is in deep thought, they begin to part and soften when I twirl one of his short brown curls around my finger.

"I think I'm in love with you." He drags his fingers over my jaw and presses the pad of his thumb over my lips.

I halt immediately, my breath caught in my throat.

Did I hear that right?

I lift my eyes to his and all I see in his honey eyes is sincerity. 

I think I've known for a while that I love him, I just haven't admitted it to myself. I think I loved him from our first moment under the stars on the cotton factory roof. 

I know I love him because of everything he makes me feel, he sets my skin on fire with a single look, because he knows what I'm thinking even when I don't, because he listens, because he kisses my heart tattoo, because he surges electricity to my heart reminding me that I'm alive. I love him because he is different and when he looks at me the world around me blurs like a window on a rainy day and I live only in that moment with him.

I push my lips up against his and gently suck on his bottom lip releasing it with a pop.

"I am in love with you." I reply, accentuating the 'am' so he knows I'm certain.

My heart does a little flutter at finally telling him how I feel. He pulls me in close to his neck and we snuggle like that for a while before I fall into his side and stare back up at the stars.

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