Chapter 13 - Officer

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*WARNING! This chapter contains content that some readers may find triggering or upsetting*

Alyssa POV:

By the time we had arrived the party was well in motion. Lana, our designated driver, dropped us off. Lana doesn't like to drink and she always wants to make sure we all get home safe so she always offers to drive us.

The frat house is huge. Two stories, a few windows on the top story smashed and jagged glass the only remnants. I can feel the base of the music vibrate through me as we walk through the threshold of the house, our arms linked. Wolf whistles begin as we strut our stuff inside towards the kitchen to get some drinks.

Mera makes us all a strong concoction, it tastes like three different spirits mixed together. But I don't mind, I have a lot I want to forget tonight and this is how I am going to do it, with my two best friends.

Yes, I now class Mera as a best friend, and I know she feels the same. We just click, like soul mates but the friendship version. We balance each other out in all the right ways and I know for a fact that if I didn't have her I would have a shit two years abroad here.

"Cheers bitches!" Kat yells at us, stumbling as she tries to climb on top of the coffee table.

Oh no...

We clink our cups with the crazy drunk angel. Not long after she bends down on one knee and a frat boy pours vodka straight from the bottle down her throat, I wince knowing that that shit will burn, but she takes it like a champ.

She is going to have such a great hangover.

Mera and I just cheer her on like cheerleaders.

We've been dancing for hours, intermittently topping up our drinks and having bathroom breaks. I made the mistake of breaking the seal early in the night so now I'm stumbling to the toilet every fifteen minutes which is probably more like hourly, but time blurs when you have the amount of alcohol in your blood that I do.

Mera's holding my hand, our arms stretched up above us as we sway together to the music blasting, surely causing some irreparable damage to our ear drums. Then, I spot him. The sexiest man alive and the reason for my high alcohol levels at present, James. His gorgeous honey eyes lock with mine and I see the flames burning in them as his eyes rake over my slutty outfit. I catch his jaw tense before he looks away and walks off towards the kitchen.

"Oh hell no" I curse audibly.

You're not getting away that easy buddy, Tisha is out for blood.

Mera stops dancing, checking in on me. "You good girl?" she questions opening her eyes from her drunk buzz.

I assure her I'm fine and that I'm going to the bathroom again. She's convinced since I've been going back and forth there all night.

I set my legs in motion, going after the gorgeous man who has me wrapped around his finger.

Well he doesn't unless I'm drunk. My horny drunk self is so dangerous.

I find him in the kitchen with Luke. He looks fucking delicious, dressed as a police officer. A modest one to my disappointment. He has a navy blue collared short sleeve shirt on with a badge that reads officer. He has his shirt tucked nicely into some navy pants that hug him a little too tight around his manhood. I use that image as my excuse to rake him with my eyes, and believe me when I say I'm taking my sweet time. His biceps are popping out of his sleeves and the top two buttons are undone revealing the edging of his tattoo.


I don't know what's gotten into me but before I can stop myself I blurt out. "Officer huh? I know a certain devil who has been up to no good tonight" I'm partially mortified at myself for falling so easily back to him and his looks. But my core is aching for him, especially when he looks like this.

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