Chapter 5 - Truth or Dare

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James POV:

She took the bait. And I'm glad she did. Alyssa is hot, and not like the normal college girl hot. I would know I've had most of them.

I know, I know, notorious bad boy, blah blah.

Alyssa is the chefs kiss of gorgeous. Her ass looks so great in those pants and the green compliments her skin nicely. Ah her skin, I want to kiss, lick and suck everything, I want to do everything to this girl. But I can sense she's a bit timid, the blush covering her cheeks every so often is a reminder.

"Truth or dare, that's how you will get my name." I tease her with my best panty dropping smile.

She looks like she's about to say no, but something glimmers behind her green eyes, I know she likes to play games. Just like me.

"Fine, what are your rules?" God her accent is the epitome of sexy. I just want to pick her up and take her over the railing right now. My dick twitches at my perverted thoughts.

"Same rules as always sweetheart, if you don't want to answer you have to take a drink."

"And how will that get me your name?"

"Stop asking questions, truth or dare?" I challenge.

She scoffs, "As if you're going first, truth or dare?" She closes the gap between us, she's getting more comfortable, and I dig the power move. With her so close her smell invades my senses, vanilla.


I smile at the thought of what this innocent girl will dare me to do. "Dare." 

I've always loved a good dare.

Her smile grows, oh so she wanted me to say dare.

"I dare you to go and kiss Luke on the lips" she lets out triumphantly, like she is winning.

Little does she know I've done way worse.

I shrug my shoulders with a smile and head back inside, Alyssa hot my tail. I grab Luke by the shoulder turning him to face me and peck him smack on the lips. I hear Alyssa gasp, she really didn't think I would do it. 

It's not going to be that easy sweetheart.

"What the fuck dude?" Luke questions, looking between Alyssa and myself.

I give him a pat on the shoulder, "It was for a dare dude."

As if nothing has happened he shrugs letting out a "oh sweet" and returns to playing beer pong.

James 1, Alyssa 0.

"Truth or dare" I show off a cocky grin at her still shocked face.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?"

She closes her mouth, showing off her fucking sexy lips, man I want to suck on those, take them between my teeth.

"Truth" Her eyes drop over me and I see the flash of ecstasy in her eyes, she's testing the waters, so I'll push the boundaries. 

"Boring, are you scared Aly?"

Did I just give her a nickname? Why did I do that?

I see the corner of her lips twitch into a small smile at the nickname as we make our way into the kitchen to top up our drinks.

"I'm not scared, I'm just gauging your level of game."

"Smart girl." I give her a beat, only because I know it will add to her nerves, the sight of her fiddling with the ring on her finger tells me that I am succeeding. "Are you attracted to me?" I cock my head at her, waiting for her blush to show under the light of the kitchen. Sure enough it creeps over her cheeks.

Fuck this girl is like a drug.

"I'm not blind, I know you're good looking" she lets out filling both our cups with the cheap beer my brother got us.

Renting the flat from my brother Reece is ideal, I split it with my roommates Luke and Daniel. It's close to the campus and has a spa so can't complain. Reece is an accountant and made easy money for his first years in the job, so we help pay the mortgage off with our rent. 

"That's not what I asked sweetheart, are you attracted to me?" I tuck a stray strand of her brown hair behind her ear. And I soak in the electricity that crosses her green eyes, flecks of gold splatted over the iris's.

"Yes, I'm attracted to you. Truth or dare?" She huffs, avoiding eye contact.

Call me cocky, but I fucking love how easy it is to make this girl nervous. 

I smile at my win to make her nervous and get her to admit she likes me. I knew she did but I wanted her to say it. I wanted to watch her lips as the words passed them. 

God I'm getting horny.

I place my hand on Aly's lower back and I don't miss the hitch of her breath, I once again smile at myself knowing the effect I have on her. I guide her up the stairs towards my bedroom. We walk through the bedroom and out onto my balcony and sit down on the leather couch I have there. Alyssa cocks her head back to look up at the stars.

She is a sight, I feel my member twitch to life in my pants whilst I eye up her exposed neck, practically begging me to nibble on it.

"Truth" The sexual tension is thick. And I know she feels it, I see the glances she steals when she thinks I'm not looking. 

"What's your name?" Her head is still bent up at the sky.

"James." I let her get away with it because she is so intoxicating, my eyes never leaving her gorgeous body. I want her on my lap and with that thought I pick her up by her waist and place her on my lap.

She lets out a squeal before wriggling her ass to get comfortable. My previously twitching dick is now growing and pressing into her ass and I know she can feel it, the blush says as much.

"Truth or dare?" It comes out husky.

Her eyes still plastered on the sky, but her head leaning back against my shoulder. I can really smell the vanilla now.


"Dare." She whispers. If I wasn't paying attention I would've missed it. 

I've begun tracing circles in her palm, she has soft as fuck hands. So little. I'd love to see them wrapped around my dick.

Man, I need to get a grip! Pull yourself together James! Surely it's the alcohol?

"Kiss me." I whisper in her ear, my lips grazing them. Even that small contact sends electricity through me. 

I feel her jump slightly, her eyes finally leaving the sky and her head turning to me. I hook my hand behind her neck, tangling it in her silky hair as I use my free hand to lift her right leg up so it's crossed over her left. I hold her thigh tight, not giving her the chance to get away and I watch her for any hesitation. When I don't see it I dip my head going into to ravish those fucking delicious lips.

"Tristol you fuck, where are you?"

Luke barges through the door making Alyssa jump up out of my lap.

You motherfucker.

"Oh my bad, didn't mean to cock block" he laughs whilst eyeing Alyssa up.

It rubs me the wrong way, but it's Luke and he's different when he drinks.

"Um, I think I'm going to go" Alyssa lets out in a small voice, her blush back on her cheeks.

I grit my jaw at the interruption and the boner in my pants is begging me not to let her go. But she won't get far, I want what I want.

"Nice seeing you, again, Alyssa" my voice definitely comes out hoarse from the tension.

As she walks out towards the door Luke barged in through I can't help but admire her perky ass, god I want to bounce that on my lap. I get up from the couch making my way towards Luke, eyes trailing after Alyssa.

"She has a fucking smoking ass" Luke hisses out next to me, obviously perving on her like me.

I punch him hard in the arm.

"Ow dude, fuck." He curses.

She is mine. 

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