Chapter 7 - Chase

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James POV:

I watch Alyssa as she walks off, laughing at her comment on this ugly fucking rag Mera is making me wear. I can't help but admire her perky ass as she stalks off.

I knew she'd reject my offer of a date but I have to warm her up. I'll get it eventually, I always get what I want. Usually though it's not this much of a chase. Most girls chase me.

What is she doing to me? Surely it's just her accent?

Luke had offered to take the drinks to the girls this morning since he has a thing for Mera but I persuaded him to let me go. And damn, if that wasn't the best thing I have done. Mera opened the door and my eyes immediately landed on Alyssa bent over, her head under her desk and her ass sticking up in the air begging to be smacked. I could feel myself tighten at the thought of having my hands back on Alyssa's ass.

I wonder if she likes it rough? I wonder if she's a virgin. Nah I don't think so. I have a feeling she's a bit of a temptress.

I'm snapped out of my day dreaming when my phone buzz's. It's my boxing coach. He's changing the rest of my training sessions for this week to Wednesday and Thursday. Usually we go Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. 

I got a scholarship to Houston University for my boxing. I didn't actually think it would turn into anything when I first started it. I had a pretty shit childhood and my brother Reece introduced me to boxing as a way to cope with all my pent up teenage anger, but since then it just stuck.

I was boxing in my high school gym when my P.E. teacher saw me and the rest is history.

Reece is five years older than me, and after my fucking asshole of a dad left us to go marry some blonde in Vegas and never come back Reece had to take on all the responsibility. I never new my mum, so no, I don't have any parents. But I prefer it this way though, less likely to be disappointed by anyone. Reece was in his last year of college when my dad left, he moved back home to be with me and worked when ever he wasn't at school. I know he made a lot of sacrifices for me to be here so I'm trying to make him proud.

It still eats at me all the things Reece had to give up but he always said he'd do it all again. We love each other in that brotherly way where we never say 'I love you' but we both know we would do anything for each other.

I flick my coach back a text confirming I can do those days. I have a competition coming up in a couple of months and there is going to be a loads of scouts and recruiters there so I have to make an impression. I don't care much for school, I'm not dumb but I'm just not interested in it. When I box that's when I feel alive, feeling my blood pump through my veins with each connection of my fist on some poor fucks face.

I pick myself up from where I'd been laying before Alyssa made her hasty escape. I'm making her nervous and it gives me such a buzz. Slipping my phone into my back pocket I make my way across campus to my next class, heading in the opposite direction to Alyssa.

Mrs. Delaney is an okay lecturer, she isn't bad but she isn't exactly good. I'd say she's average. She always tries to flirt with the young college boys and I don't think she realises she always has red lipstick smeared on her teeth.

I take a seat in my usual spot up the back of the class, just as I reach into my bag to grab out a pen I notice a familiar temptress enter the class.


How did I beat her here? Hah, she must still be getting lost.

We lock eyes for a moment and then I see what looks to be her cussing under her breath as she attempts to sit as far away from me as possible. I can't help the grin that takes over my face.

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